Division 2 launched its latest update Warlords of New York and with it comes big changes to loot and more importantly, the Recalibration Station. Previous to the update, if a piece of equipment had a great stat on it, it would have to be destroyed completely to get the upgrade. Agents also had no idea what a max roll would be for different pieces. That’s all changed and navigating the changes is easy as pie.

With Loot 2.0 here to stay, the Recalibration Station has gone through a huge overhaul. The organization for loot has been revamped and upgraded pieces are now stored in a library for use at a later time. What this all means is a simplified way to upgrade, along with better organization of how items can be found, and better identification of great rolls. Let’s go through some of the changes and how to upgrade characters with this new system.

Recalibrations can be found in two places. One is at the Base of Operations in Washington D.C. and the other newly located in New York at Haven. When arriving at either one of them, two options will appear which are the Station and the Library.

When selecting the Station option, a menu of guns and equipment will appear letting the agent know how many of that weapon and gear type are available in their inventory/stash. Here, the agent would select the weapon or gear they want to upgrade and see which upgrades, if any, are available to upgrade said piece.

If an agent wants to see what they have to upgrade this is where they would choose the Library section instead. Much like the Station, the Library has the same initial menu with the different guns and gear with a tiny change. A small green arrow pointing up lets the agent know that there is an upgrade available to be taken from a piece of gear. Select the piece of gear or weaponry desired and a new menu comes up. This menu can have the following options: Core Attributes, Attributes, and Talents. The Talents option will only be available on weapons, Chest, and Backpack pieces. After selecting one of the upgrade options, it’s a matter of selecting which to upgrade.

How to Upgrade Equipment in Division 2

After getting through how to identify which section does what it’s time to recalibrate the piece we want. First, we need to find a piece of gear that has a stat we can roll off and add to the library. Let’s imagine that throughout the open world, or missions, an SMG dropped with 5.0% weapon damage as an attribute and was picked up. If this weapon is destroyed immediately, it might give you materials. What needs to be done is to put it in the Library and to do this the agent must go to the Recalibration Library and destroy it there. The difference is that by destroying it in the Library it gets added to the Library to be used on other SMGs. Once it’s been added, go to the Station section, select the SMG, select the talent to remove, and replace it with the attribute now stored in the library. In our example, each time the 5.0% weapon damage is used in a recalibration it will not get destroyed and can be reused. This is the same principle for all weapons and gear.

Recalibrating Tips and Tricks in Division 2

A great starting point for recalibrating is that even if the piece you get doesn’t have a god roll (God rolls can be identified by the orange bar that highlights the attribute) add it to the Library as a temporary measure so that in a worst-case scenario there’s a useful attribute already stored. A second tip is to identify what needs to be stored on an item that has multiple good rolls. If having two attributes that are god rolls on one piece, make sure to have the more useful talent rolled off to the library or be sure about which talent is needed more. Storing the item in the stash until another piece that matches one of the other talents comes through is another method. Perfect talents can be tricky where rolling a perfect talent might not get the perfect rolled off and might only be stored as the base level. Before eliminating such a great talent, be sure to have a second identical perfect talent as a test piece. A final trick is in the Recalibration Station section, it will state on the right side where the actual attributes are. There will be a message saying which of attributes it will take off. If there’s more than one and it cannot be changed to the other attribute if desired.

More: Division 2: How to complete the Dark Hours raid on Normal

Division 2 is available for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.