The Sticky Bomb skill makes a triumphant return in Division 2 with two iterations of the bomb now coming into play. That’s right, two variations are in play with The Explosive Sticky Bomb, which is the one that any Division 1 player will be familiar with, but in Division 2’s newest expansion, Warlords of New York, a new variant called the Burn Sticky Bomb makes its introduction. The Explosive Sticky Bomb can be gotten by killing James Dragov in the Financial District in the Wall Street mission and the Burn Sticky Bomb can be unlocked by killing Vivian Conley at the Stranded Tanker mission inside the Two Bridges area.

Since getting the skills are done by killing each boss, we’ll take a look at the “stickier” parts of each mission and how to get these amazing skills. A small word of note that there are some small bits between the start of the missions right up to the mini-bosses and then right to the bosses themselves that we’ll gloss over while giving a few tips and tricks to make going through a bit easier. The main concerns that we’ll be going over are the heavier mini-bosses and the main bosses of each area.

Stranded Tanker Mission in Division 2

This mission is one that is inhabited by the Cleaners and that means fire, lots and lots of fire. Keys to fights here will be to look around each room and destroy any gas cans and any other flammable materials to save bullets and burn enemies. Just as in Division 1, their tanks are susceptible and igniting them blows them up as well so take advantage. Be careful of Bombadier Drones as they can make cover spots troublesome and will require some quick movements to avoid them.

Killing Ashford in Division 2

Staying on the run will serve well against Ashford. Compared to most bosses, this is a battle of patience. If one of his tanks gets blown up he might drop his flamethrower and let loose an axe, charging everywhere he goes. If the tanks say on, he stays at a distance allowing you to whittle his armor and health down with relative safety by running from one side of the map to the other. When he’s far enough away pummel him with as many shots as possible before relocating, rinse and repeat.

Killing Vivian Conley in Division 2

This fight is another than some patience can be used. A couple of relatively safe spots is in the entrance of the area and also the building on the left side of the map. After killing off each wave, there will be a pause that allows triggering an event that gets to the next phases. This will buy some time to recuperate before the next phases as well. As for Vivian herself, she has the Burn Sticky Bomb that if it gets attached to the agent, the only way to remove it is to either let it explode or simply roll and it will remove itself. She will heal herself only once during the fight but it’s of no concern. Stay away from her Sticky Bomb and she will go down in flames.

Wall Street Mission in Division 2

The Wall Street mission is a mission that will test an agent’s build. The amount of health and armor the NPCs have is no joke and this is in large part due to the number of Lieutenants strewn across the mission. Their main purpose is to give an over-heal to all other NPCs and also when they first spawn, they will heal all health and armor the NPCs have as an initial bonus to the NPCs. The Lieutenants have a double chevron next to their health bars and they should be the priority of any area they appear in.

Killing The Duchess in Division 2

The tough part of this fight is to kill her with the Lieutenants that come out and also the Shotgun attacks she deals out. The Keener supplies add an extra level to this encounter but they can be used as a benefit. When the boxes state that they’re being contested, that means an enemy is opening it and they are vulnerable to attack. Take this opportunity to dispatch them. As long as they don’t flank and surround the agent, this fight is one that can be taken from the first cover you encounter. The Duchess will try to rush and when she does a few bullets should slow her down.

Destroying the APC in Division 2

A simple method that keeps the danger to a rather minimal level is to not be in the APC area and stay at the entrance. The waves of enemies will funnel themselves in your firing range and staying away from the APC’s turret gun is much easier. If instead, aggression is preferred, the building on the left of the APC is a great cover spot from its bombs but still in range for the turret so don’t make it a habit of going out of cover. The right side is a very dangerous place to be but save that section for last along with the back of the APC. The waves feel like they are non-stop but they do have a limit. Keep steady and kill the NPCs first and then the APC. Shooting it from cover works wonderfully as the gun doesn’t get triggered when doing so allowing you to shoot the four “X” panels on each side of it in safety allowing for its destruction.

Killing James Dragov in Division 2

This fight is a tough one. James Dragov will have two fellow combatants, Ron and Knuckles, that have full body shields along with James Dragov himself. They work as a trio and move as such which makes it difficult to kill them. A relatively safe area is a middle section where the butchered pigs are. There are a few boxes to refill supplies but opening them will allow easy lines of sight for the NPCs. This small safety area, staying in front of the trio while staying in cover will keep you alive although there is a bomb that can still do heavy damage so be ready to run from the cover when needed.

The key to this fight is the three turret areas located in each corner of the room. They will be active one at a time and the way to tell if they’re active or not is to look for the blue light the three power towers around the turret areas themselves. The problem with them being lit up as well is that NPCs come out of the area trying to take the turrets to use against the agents. Dispatching them quickly and taking over their turrets is a necessity as the turrets will rip into the three bosses quickly killing Ron or Knuckles first. This fight is also best used with two people or more as having agents causing distractions to the three bosses gives time for someone to jump on the turrets and finish them off.

More: The Division 2 Warlords of New York: Gear Talents List

Division 2 is available for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.