Your Myers-Briggs® personality type can tell a lot about you. Usually, it lists good qualities. It’ll tell you how you treat your friends, how you help people — basically how you make a positive change in the world. However, Myers-Briggs® personalities come with a dark side. And though it might not be fun to look at our own dark traits (don’t tell me I’m argumentative, Briggs!), it’s always fun to speculate what dark traits our favorite fictional characters have. Of course, no one does dark personalities better than Disney, having created some of the most memorable and deliciously diabolical characters to ever be in film. That’s why, for your analytical pleasure, we’ve come up with this list of Myers-Briggs® personality types of Disney villains.

10. Claude Frollo - ISFJ


Despite Disney’s many unnerving baddies, regular human Claude Frollo may be one one of the most sinister. It’s the traits he shares with other ISFJs, twisted by his black heart, that make him so.

ISFJs are patient, reflected in the Hunchback of Notre Dame villain’s calm manner of menace. They are comfortable working (lurking) behind the scenes and are typically attracted to organizations that reflect their values. A 17th-century police force definitely fits that bill. Above all, Frollo is a man of practicality and common sense. His hatred of what he considers chaos controls his every action, even when it’s chaos within himself. And his reaction to that hate is extreme. The guy nearly burns down Paris because he wants to sleep with someone outside his social standing… Talk about a bad… Tinder date.

9. Yzma - ISTJ

ISTJs can be a kind of scientist-manager hybrid. They are analytical and systematic, efficient and list-oriented. They are, if we’re being honest, probably better emperors than a dance-obsessed 17-year-old. Yzma enjoys a managerial role; so much so that she wants to take the top one. When faced with an idiot obstacle, Yzma goes about planning in a very methodical, solution-driven way. If not for her willingness to murder, Yzma might even be considered sympathetic. She just wants things to be ordered, if that’s in her warped sense of order. But I mean, can you blame her? Picture yourself (or really anyone else) as a teenager. Would you want that as your king? Thought not.

8. Ratcliffe - ISFP

ISFPs are defined by their practicality in group settings. They make for great community organizers and managers. Or, in the case of John Ratcliffe, they seem like a good pick for a colonial leader. This Disney villain is clearly an organizer, able to coordinate military operations or citizens’ living arrangements. Ratcliffe also shares the ISFP commitment to an ideal, which in this case is colonialism. Ratcliffe believes so much that what he’s doing is right that he’s willing to rob and murder people. He’s probably not such a good community organizer after all.

7. Gaston - ENFJ

The first thing you read about ENFJs is that they’ve got charisma. Even if Gaston didn’t match up with ENFJs in other ways, that fact alone would get him this spot. These types are also known to be leaders, to be able to rally a crowd and get people following them. Well, if you can turn a town of superstitious peasants into a blood-thirsty monster squad, you’ve probably got that quality as well. All this, plus Gaston’s natural charm and tendency to go with his gut, pretty much ensures this spot belongs to him; maybe more so than anyone on this list. Just to clarify, though, most ENFJs don’t hate books as much as Gaston. That guy REALLY hates reading.

6. Shere Khan - ESTJ

For one of the most enduring, terrifying villains in the Disney roster, Shere Khan is actually quite simple. The Jungle Book villain is terrifyingly logical, approaching problems with cold analysis and unwavering opinion. Like Khan, ESTJs live in cut-and-dry worlds. They are direct in locating and eliminating problems, but that’s not to say they cut out other people in achieving their goals. When Khan hears of a man-cub, he makes it his mission to eliminate what he views as an evil in the world. Still, his ESTJ-ness allows him interaction and even sociability with others. He’s fine working with other characters on his quests, or even just lending a bass line to some vultures who are the Beatles. That’s what friends are for, I guess.

5. Cruella de Vil - ESFP

Typically, it takes a lot of forethought and a lifetime of planning to become a Disney villain. But that’s not Cruella de Vil. No, Cruella can barge into a room, see a puppy or two, and decide ‘it is my life’s mission to wear that.’ That’s what makes her an ESFP more than anything: her adaptability. ESFPs are creatures of the moment, quick to dedicate themselves to whatever flashy, new opportunity presents itself to them. They are prone to living life on the edge, to seeking out thrills and popularity. And yes, they can be fashion-conscious.

4. Maleficent - ISTP

Whatever it is they do, ISTPs are experts in their craft. As one of Disney’s most powerful magic-users, this certainly fits Maleficent. She loves coming up with a plan, scheming for years to design a perfect punishment for Aurora’s parents. Like other ISTPs, Maleficent gets frustrated when others (in this case, her little devil minions), can’t follow her instructions, and she absolutely hates when her autonomy is threatened. Admittedly, the Maleficent we’re talking about is the animated one, but the description could also fit the Angelina Jolie version. The only difference is that the live-action version might have a bit less of a removed personality since she fights so hard for the magic forest dwellers under her care. Still, they are both schemers and experts in their fields, and they have the coolest looks in Disney villain history. That’s not an ISTP thing, that’s just true.

3. Queen of Hearts - ENTP

Admittedly, the Queen of Hearts showcases extreme versions of ENTP traits, but she still fits neatly into this category. ENTPs are drawn to political careers. At best they are public servants and charity workers. At worst they are overbearing tyrants. The Queen of Hearts is absolutely the latter. ENTPs are also high-energy, obviously a trait of the red-faced, always screaming monarch of Wonderland. But what really lands this slot for the Queen of Hearts is the ENTP tendency to change quickly. They can frequently act erratic, hopping from issue to issue at whiplash speed. It’s not that they lack conviction, just their follow-through. With her leadership hanging on a whim and executive decisions on her momentary mood, the Queen of Hearts has this quality in spades. (It’s a card joke!)

2. Ursula - ESTP

Like Cruella de Vil, Ursula’s actions are slightly more off-the-cuff than most Disney villains. Her plot against King Triton relies on taking advantage of every opportunity presented to her. When her plans go astray, she adapts seamlessly to new situations. She’s spontaneous — able to roll with the punches. And out of every villain on this list, Ursula might just be the most extroverted character. She enjoys interacting with and using others in her schemes, as though each minor manipulation energizes her to keep going with her plans. Perhaps that’s why she’s such a favorite among Disney villain fans. Ursula doesn’t just backstab and deceive to achieve her goals. She does it because it’s fun.

1. Ratigan - INTP

I didn’t just include Ratigan because he’s an ideal INTP. No, Ratigan’s partially on this list because he’s just such an underrated villain! The brilliant anthropomorphic version of James Moriarty, Ratigan is a Class A Master of wickedness and debauchery. Like other INTPs, he can be detached from others, but still aware of their motivations. He is analytical and technical, as evidenced by the many mechanical devices he uses to accomplish his schemes. And if none of that floats your boat, he’s voiced by the one and only Vincent Price! Come on Disney, it’s about time you reboot this character. Or do you want to lose “best animal mastermind” to Swiper?

Which other villains have you classified into another Myers-Briggs® type? Are there any on this list that we got wrong? Let us know in the comments section below!