Disney’s remake of a classic musical finds its writer in Danny Strong, who will be taking on the latest adaptation of the Dickens tale of Oliver Twist. The original tale of a little orphan boy turned pickpocket who finally finds a home has been adapted time and time again; most famously in 1968 in the Oscar-winning movie musical Oliver!, but also in the Disney animated film Oliver And Company (which sees the titular character turned into a little orange cat).
Now, it seems that Disney is looking to remake the musical into a live action spectacular, continuing the trend toward re-making classic films under the Disney mantle. In 2016, Ice Cube signed on to produce as well as star as the criminal leader Fagin, although details of how the latest version of Oliver Twist’s story would be told are not yet known. Things are moving forward, though, as the production has now picked up a writer; Danny Strong.
This latest development for Disney’s Oliver was revealed by Deadline, who confirmed that Strong has officially been brought on board to write the script for the upcoming musical. Strong will be joining Ice Cube, as well as Hamilton’s Tommy Kail who is set to direct, and La La Land’s Marc Platt, who is also producing.
Fans may recognize Strong for his early work as a character actor. He appeared in both Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Gilmore Girls, before moving to the other side of the camera to start work as a writer. He has since written the scripts for the final two Hunger Games movies, as well as writing for Empire, and he won two Primetime Emmys for his work on Game Change.
The addition of Strong to the Oliver project is fantastic news, as he is an incredibly capable writer, and will be rounding out a creative team who are more than capable when it comes to work on musicals. With a script on the way, it shouldn’t be too long before Disney starts working on casting their lastest remake project, as well as revealing a few more details about what kind of angle the new musical will take. It’s likely that this will be a modern twist on the familiar classic, and the music will presumably be somewhat updated as well. As of yet, there is no news on a possible release date, but that is to be expected at this early stage.
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Disney’s Oliver does not yet have a release date.
Source: Deadline