Discord is making it easier to share messages with others through its new feature, Text Chat in Voice Channels. This new tool is a Zoom-like text chat feature specifically for Discord voice channels. With this, users can drop a link, text, GIF, emoji, in the chat during their video calls.

Non-community servers will have Text Chat in Voice Channels by default and community servers will have a period of time where they can opt in or disable the feature from going live. According to The Verge, if the feature is neither opted in or disabled, it will enable itself automatically on all servers by June 15.

There will also be a new dedicated chat bubble icon for those wishing to include messages in voice chats. When someone posts a chat in the Discord voice channel, there will be a new message preview in the top right corner. Those who don’t join the call can check messages, too; they can press the chat button while hovering over the voice channel.

Before Text Chat in Voice Channels, users in voice channels would have to create a separate chat channel in order to send links or type a message. It could be inconvenient and even confusing for those looking to engage with the voice call via text. This new feature keeps the conversation flowing and organized within Discord.

What’s new for moderators

Voice channels will also now have access to the same text-based permissions as text channels. In a new category called Voice Channel Chat Permissions, you can “Send Messages”, “Add Reactions”, “Use External Emoji”, and “Use External Stickers”. Text Chat will be enabled on all servers by June 29, while keeping existing role and voice channel permissions.

To help community servers prepare, we’re giving server owners and mods the opportunity to choose what roles can text chat in the Voice channel, and which Voice channels have this new embedded chat.

What do you think of the new feature? It seems like this will be a much-welcomed addition to the platform. Will you utilize text chat in Discord Voice channels?

Image Source: Alexander Shatov, Unsplash