As social media platforms try to find new ways to engage with creators, Discord announced a new premium membership subscription while Facebook is testing a professional mode for Profiles.

According to a blog post, Discord says that having a premium membership is one of the most requested features from creators, and the company has seen many people from its community offering this experience through third-party applications.

Now, with this membership subscription, Discord plans to introduce a “streamlined and simple way to offer premium experiences, content, and interactions within your community.”

As of now, this feature will be rolling out as a closed experiment as the company tries to understand what users think is enjoyable and what is not.

You can set it up, devise tiered perks, and view analytics on member engagement directly on Discord. And with a quick and seamless process members can subscribe and immediately access benefits with payments and support all happening directly within Discord. 

Facebook introduces new Professional Mode for Profiles

On the other hand, Facebook has also announced today that it will bring new ways for people to earn money while also providing insights so professionals can understand what types of posts resonate with their community.

Apart from the Reels Play bonus program already available, Professional mode also opens up access to post, audience, and profile insights — similar to what users can find on Pages today. For example, users can see the total number of shares, reactions, and comments that posts have and review their follower growth over time.

We know that many creators — especially those who are just starting out — are on profiles, so we’re introducing a professional mode for profiles in the US. With professional mode, eligible creators will be able to unlock revenue opportunities and gain access to tools to help grow their audience.

As of now, this feature is being tested with a limited number of profiles in the US and will expand if the company feels users are benefiting from this new Professional mode.

What do you think about these changes on Discord and Facebook? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.