Bryan Singer is facing a lawsuit that alleges he raped a 17-year-old boy back in 2003. The director’s name has already been coming up in discussions about the wave of people in the media world who have been accused of sexual misconduct, but those past cases against him have been dismissed, though doubt continued to surround Singer and he continued to be a part of these conversations.

The X-Men director had already lost his position working on the Bohemian Rhapsody movie, though Singer claims he stepped down from that role due to one of his parents becoming sick. Singer’s latest big project was being a producer on the upcoming X-Men: Dark Phoenix, though it’s unclear how this may affect his career going forward. Other public figures who have been the subject of similar cases have faced swift consequences, such as Kevin Spacey, Louis C.K., and Charlie Rose.

This latest Singer allegation comes to light courtesy of Deadline. Per the report, the incident occurred 14 years ago and alleged victim Cesar Sanchez-Guzman claims to still be suffering distress from the event today. He asserts that while at a yacht party, Singer got him into a room with nobody else around and assaulted him. Sanchez-Guzman also alleges that Singer promised rewards for keeping the incident secret, and punishment for revealing what happened. The file documenting the claims reads as such:

It should be noted that Singer faced similar claims from a man named Michael Egan III, and that case wound up being dropped after Egan admitted his claims were false. The lawyer who represented Egan, Jeff Herman, eventually even apologized to Singer for taking a case that proved to have such a lack of evidence. For the damage done to Singer’s reputation as a result of the allegations, Herman paid over $1 million to Singer and others. Herman is now the lawyer going against the Weinstein Company for Harvey Wenstein’s many allegations. It remains to be seen what becomes of this new lawsuit that Singer now faces.

“Later, Bryan Singer approached Cesar and told him that he was a producer in Hollywood and that he could help Cesar get into acting as long as Cesar never said anything about the incident. He then told Cesar that no one would believe him if he ever reported the incident, and that he could hire people who are capable of ruining someone’s reputation.”

MORE: New Director Found For Bohemian Rhapsody

Source: Deadline