Diggle’s tenure as the Green Arrow will end in tragedy as a connection between him and new villain Richard Dragon is revealed on Arrow. Since season 1 of Arrow, John Diggle has remained a moral compass for Oliver Queen. In the early days, Dig was the only one pushing back against the Hood’s more brutal tendencies and that’s rarely changed. Still, Diggle has had lapses of his own and his current path looks destined to end badly.

After the season 5 finale of Arrow, Diggle is both mentally and physically changed. Relying on a mysterious drug to calm his dying nerves and operate as the Green Arrow in Oliver’s stead, it was unlikely things were ever going to end well. On top of that, the heroes of Arrow are dealing with more villains than ever before. Deathstroke will have to face his nefarious son, Black Canary is regularly confronting Black Siren, and Cayden James will continue to haunt Felicity. Soon, Kirk Acevedo (Fringe) will arrive and give Arrow its big bad: Richard Dragon. And it turns out Diggle may have ties to the crime lord.

TV Line spoke with the cast of Arrow about the arrival of Dragon and the path Diggle is on with his dark secret. According to Echo Kellum (Curtis/Mister Terrific), the two stories may converge when the villain arrives: “You really see a pretty cool connection between him and Diggle’s character.”

We know Dragon will be a drug dealer, so the most obvious conclusion is that he’s supplying what Diggle uses. We could learn, however, that they have more personal ties or even that Diggle knows of Dragon’s illicit activities and has chosen not to pursue him. Either way, David Ramsey thinks things will end poorly for his character once the truth is revealed.

It’s hard to guess what the ’tragic’ result for Diggle could be, as he’s already had plenty of issues with his team and spouse. Getting divorced, being kicked off of the team, or dying all seem possible, but Arrow could surprise us with something else entirely. Regardless of what happens, the moment the team learns the truth will lead to quite the confrontation between Oliver and Diggle.

“The team has already been jeopardized by Diggle’s indecision, but it’s going to go further with his drug use. So I think he has to come clean at some point to his wife and to his team. … It all comes to a head. A tragic, tragic head.”

The two friends and heroes have traded recriminations, advice, and more during their many heartfelt talks, but Stephen Amell thinks there’s still room for some nuance when everything comes to light. In fact, the actor says there’s “a really interesting opportunity to not just walk into a room and start screaming, but figure out why this person did what he did, and more particularly: Why does John feel the need to keep it from Oliver?” With just two more episodes until the big crossover, Diggle’s fate will likely be revealed very soon.

Arrow continues tonight with ‘Promises Kept’ at 9pm on The CW.

Source: TV Line