Ubisoft’s The Division has taken some of the spotlight away from Destiny of late, even beating Bungie’s title by becoming the new biggest launch for a new IP. There have been many comparisons made between the two, with what they aim to achieve as massive multiplayer online shooters but some of the more committed fans have grown a little tired of them being constantly thrown together as competitors.

Now is the time to refocus on Destiny. Unfortunately, it’s still not yet the day for the developers to reveal if there is a proper numbered sequel in the works and even after it was confirmed that 2016 will not see any significant expansions released, something major is needed to keep players on board. There is a considerable update on the way and the next batch of extra content will be available on April 12.

According to the latest Destiny post on the Bungie website, the 2.2.0 update, now dubbed “The April Update”, will include the first new PVE challenges since September of last year, new and updated gear, a new quest featuring the Blighted Chalice Strike, increased Max Light and rewards, sandbox and Crucible updates plus a lot more yet to be revealed.

As far as the new gear is concerned, a screenshot suggests that players will be able to don themselves with Taken themed Armor. It’s been spotted that its design comes from the Prison of Elders arena mode and the image itself grabbed from the Reef arena, fueling speculation that Taken are new inmates at the prison and could become new enemies for you to fight there.

Fans who have been data-mining Bungie’s servers for information have uncovered that the new Blighted Chalice strike could take players back to the Hellmouth on the Moon. Bungie is set to reveal a lot more information about the April update over the next few weeks. The next three Wednesdays will see them host a Twitch stream previewing the update and detailing different areas. Starting on March 23 with ‘New Things to Do’, then March 30 on ‘New Things to Earn’, before concluding on April 6 with ‘Sandbox and Crucible Updates’. By then we should have a much clearer picture on what and how much is exactly being added.

In addition, Bungie is making a change when it comes to Clan Leaderboards, looking to make it better to see just which one of you in your clan is the real leader of the pack. Guardians will be able to see scores for each mode, including Raid, Prison of Elders and Crucible, as well as most precision kills and longest single life in each mode. The new leaderboards will start to show up on Bungie.net when the April update rolls out but those who have more than 100 members across platforms (such as Xbox Live and PSN) the leaderboards will have a leaderboard for each platform. If you’re a founder of a Clan of which you are not a member, you will need to designate a Captain to lead it for you.

Players who already own Destiny: The Taken King get the update without any extra cost. If you only have the base game though, there’s a chance that you won’t have access to it at all. Bungie’s blog post wasn’t too clear on that but considering the new gear is based on The Taken King, it should be concluded that the update is only compatible with that version of the game.

Will the April update provide enough to lure those back from The Division’s Dark Zone and back into the universe of Destiny?  No doubt the development team would have been watching Ubisoft’s latest title with significant interest and trying learn everything they can from what players loved about it and where they can succeed where The Division might have failed to deliver.

Source: Bungie