Voice actor Troy Baker believes that Death Stranding is a statement from developer Hideo Kojima. There has been a lot of mystery surrounding the title since Kojima announced it at Sony’s 2016 E3 presentation. Now, over three years later, no one has much of an idea of what the game is about still. The trailers for Death Stranding have been mysteries wrapped in enigmas, although Kojima continues to tease how Death Stranding is different from other games.

One thing is for sure: Death Stranding features a star-studded cast that includes Norman Reedus, Mads Mikkelsen, Guillermo del Toro and Lyndsay Wagner. The game takes place in a world where cities have become isolated from one another. The main character, Sam Bridges (Reedus), will set out across that world to bring these cities together, with players getting the opportunity to connect to others around the globe. This description isn’t a lot to go on. However, those who have seen more of the game, including Kong: Skull Island director Jordan Vogt-Roberts, swears that Death Stranding will blow everyone away. It has become apparent that Kojima has something to say.

Baker, who also offered his voice talent to Death Stranding, believes the game is absolutely a statement from Kojima about what is possible with video games. In an interview with PushSquare at Manchester Comic Con, Baker praised the developer for creating something new and moving the art and industry of video game development further.

Baker also explained that he believes players will buy the game because it’s a Kojima title, not because of its celebrity cast. Kojima is a rock star in the game development industry, and Death Stranding is his first title after his controversial departure from Konami in 2015. It makes sense that Kojima wants to set Death Stranding apart from other titles. Kojima even once claimed that Death Stranding creates a new game genre that he referred to as an “action game/strand game (social strand system).” He also continues to stress the importance of connection throughout gameplay, although it seems that Death Stranding won’t have a typical multiplayer mode.

“It’ll definitely be a statement. If you know anything about Kojima, he doesn’t make ‘games’. He’s an amazing world builder. He’s trying to move the medium forward, not just trying to move copies.”

Death Stranding is probably one of the most anticipated games of the year, and when it releases, it could change gaming forever. Baker isn’t wrong in saying that it’s a statement from Kojima. As this is his first game without the constraints of Konami, he can spread his wings and create whatever he wants to. As a result, Death Stranding will stand as a work of art, lifting video games to a new level, while showing off further possibilities.

Next: Death Stranding - Everything You Need to Know

Source: PushSquare