Deadpool has been tearing up the box office, breaking records for the superhero genre as well as early-year releases. Part of the reason for this is the respect that the film pays to its main character, especially in regard to his loose grasp of reality and penchant for breaking the fourth wall.

It looks like this feature of the character will be pretty consistent in his future appearances, too. According to screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, they’ll have a hand in everything that Deadpool appears in… including the X-Force movie that may spin off from Cable’s appearance in Deadpool 2.

Speaking with Indiewire, Reese and Wernick discussed how the Deadpool franchise will move forward and potentially interact with other parts of the X-universe. Asked about X-Force, they seemed to not only confirm that Deadpool will appear in the film but also that they’ll be involved with its development:

“We will have a hand in it. I think everything that ‘Deadpool’ is involved in we will have a hand in and it’s a universe that Ryan [Reynolds] and us are very close to and very protective of, so I do think we would absolutely involved in that franchise as well. If it’s Deadpool related, I think you’ll see some of our fingerprints on that.”

The pair also confirmed that the Deadpool franchise might eventually cross over with the main X-Men franchise, though not just yet:

Deadpool was involved with the X-Force team for a brief time in the comics, when the team acted as a covert ops group that took on threats that it was in the best interest of everyone for the X-Men to stay away from. Interestingly enough, this was one of the few incarnations of X-Force that didn’t have Cable as a member of the team. When X-Force finally hits the screen it will likely be based more on the classic Cable-led team, though with Deadpool’s popularity and the introduction of Cable happening in Deadpool 2 it’s no surprise that he may be part of the big-screen team’s roster.

“Oh for sure, if you look at the ‘Iron Man’ model they had two ‘Iron Man’ [movies] before they had an ‘Avengers,’ and if left up to us, I think that would be a very prudent path. The second issue at hand is the ‘X-Men’ universe timeline. The ‘X-Men’ series is currently set in the 1980s, ‘Deadpool,’ is set three decades later in our present day.

“It’s a timeline that will eventually catch up I would imagine. But Simon [Kingberg’s] more the keeper of that universe and maybe we’ll see more X-Men playing in Deadpool’s sandbox and probably Deadpool playing in their sandbox at some point.

“Deadpool’s now become a brand and franchise unto himself, independent of the ‘X-Men’ and that’s great. And that gives the studio two franchises in one, but I think it is its own franchise, and you’ll see synergy between those two properties, but they’re two very distinct brands.”

For now, it appears that Reese and Wernick’s comments seem more based on speculation than definite plans for Deadpool to appear in X-Force. He would be a good fit for the team, though, so it’s unlikely that anyone at Fox would object to a hugely popular character appearing in a film that still might be a risk even with Deadpool’s recent success. If nothing else, we can likely expect Deadpool to have a cameo in the film similar to Hugh Jackman’s appearance in X-Men: First Class.

Next: Rumor: Deadpool 2 Will Introduce Domino to the X-Men Movies

Deadpool is now in theaters; X-Men: Apocalypse opens on May 27, 2016; Gambit sometime in 2017; Wolverine 3 on March 3, 2017; and an unannounced X-Men film on July 13, 2018. The New Mutants and Deadpool 2 are also in development. X-Force is rumored and should enter development soon.

Source: Indiewire, via ComicBookMovie