Ahead of the release of director Tim Miller’s long awaited Deadpool, the film has already garnered plenty of censorious backlash for its perceived perversity and hard R-rating. The production has already been met with a petition for a PG-13 cut of the movie, and China has banned its distribution outright, which has subsequently resulted in distributor 20th Century Fox coming down harder on which lines will ultimately make it to theaters domestically.

Perhaps the most notorious troublemakers on the film’s set have been co-stars Ryan Reynolds and T.J. Miller, whose featured repartee with one another has served to embolden the film. However, it seems the two actors also understand the need for some discretion and self-censorship of a lot their more brashly sophomoric one-liners and comedic insults.

In a recent conversation with IGN, Miller spoke at length about some of the more filthy lines of dialogue that he and Reynolds produced together on the set of Deadpool, and confessed that even he had to admit that some of the insults which they came up with for their characters to hurl at one another were simply too weird, bizarre, and downright nasty for general audiences. Per the director’s suggestion, Miller concedes that the current cut of the film is far more even handed and reasonable, even if he professionally appreciates a lot of the content that was left on the cutting room floor.

Based on the content of some of the more colorful lines of dialogue that Miller rattles off in the above video, it becomes easy to see why 20th Century Fox might have wanted the film’s director to excise large swaths of the Deadpool script prior to distribution. But even if a lot of the dialogue that is alluded to may not see the light of day, viewers can still expect to see a reasonable amount of it on the director’s cut release on home video.

All of that being said, fans of the the Wade Wilson character are no doubt eager for whatever off-color humor remains intact when the film sees theatrical release next week. Even if some moviegoers might see the Merc with a Mouth in a bad light, and may have trouble understanding his particular appeal, readers of the original Marvel comics in which the character was created will no doubt find Miller’s film appropriately ill-humored - and will likely enjoy any filthy repartee left intact immensely.

Deadpool opens in theaters on February 12, 2016, followed by X-Men: Apocalypse on May 27, 2016;Gambit sometime in 2017; Wolverine 3 on March 3, 2017; and some as-yet unspecified X–Menfilm on July 13, 2018. The New Mutants is also in development.

Source: IGN