No matter how you feel about Deadpool, it’s hard to argue the impact the Merc with a Mouth had on the comic book movie world. Fox’s take on Marvel’s anti-hero laid new ground for lower-budget, character-driven, adult superhero films. With box office aplomb comes a whole new world for Deadpool 2 – one which may include other fun characters like fan-favorite Cable.

Cable and Deadpool spent 50 mayhem-filled issues together in print, as well as multiple crossovers and miniseries. Their joined-at-the-hip status lead many aficionados to assume Nathan Summers would feature heavily in Wade Wilson’s solo shot. However, comic book artist Rob Liefeld apparently advised against it.

The surprising news comes after an interview with the creator in Cinema Blend. Although Liefeld brought both characters to life in the pages of New Mutants, he argued against Cable’s inclusion when consulted by the production team during the development phases. He felt Deadpool’s identity needed to be plumbed before the writers introduced the mighty time-traveling X-Force leader. Liefeld says:

“I absolutely recommended that they not include Cable in the origin story of Deadpool because it wasn’t necessary. That was on the table of things that were being considered, and I felt like, ‘No, no, no.’ Deadpool is a good enough character. He can carry his own movie and doesn’t need Cable. Similarly, it’s a mistake I believe that Batman v Superman made. They tried to do too many things at once and tell too many stories.”

Liefeld makes a good point. One of the main criticisms of Batman V Superman’s was the film biting off more than it could chew (for which some blame Warner’s desire to jump-start the DCEU). As a far smaller film, both in budget and scope, Deadpool would have been overwhelmed by introducing a surfeit of new characters. The writers even combined several comic book regulars into one, such as Patch and Weasel distilled into just Weasel, to save budget and screen time. Without the characterization and budget constraints, though, Liefeld feels Deadpool 2 can expand upon its world:

Without a doubt, Deadpool’s success hinged upon fans ability to identify with the rude, lewd, and surprisingly identifiable mercenary. That said, now that introductions are out of the way, expanding upon the Deadpool universe offers some exciting prospects. Deadpool and Cable managed to team up or cross swords with some major comic forces and baddies. Aside from their associations with developing properties like X-Force and The New Mutants, the odd couple interacted with a wealth of wacky superheroes and villains like Sluggo, Domino, Copycat, X-23, and Taskmaster.

“Where Deadpool came out, [it] gave you this story, and I think they are somewhat following what I’m referencing as the Marvel strategy. Maybe the next movie – Iron Man 2 gave us Black Widow, and started building. And Cap 2 gave us Black Widow, Falcon, and Winter Soldier, you know? I believe that the fact that we’ve got the opportunity to build now on what Deadpool… OK, this is corny, they can build on the cable they laid with Deadpool, in the first movie, you know? Those are strong tracks, and so now they continue to build out on that.”

Although the filmmakers don’t necessarily feel the need for more money, the budget on Deadpool 2 will still likely be bigger to accommodate things like potentially introducing Cable. Hopefully, Miller and crew will put the same amount of effort into story and characterization as the first go-round. Nonetheless, as the Deadpool sequel and New Mutants head into preproduction, it will be interesting to see how their shared universes connect – and who shows up.

Next: X-Force Movie Should be R-rated Says Producer

 Deadpool is now available on Digital HD. X-Men: Apocalypse will open in U.S. theaters on May 27, 2016, followed by Wolverine 3 on March 3, 2017, and unannounced X-Men films on October 6, 2017 (possibly Gambit), January 12, 2018 (possibly Deadpool 2), and July 13, 2018 (possibly The New Mutants).

Source: Cinema Blend