After a long wait and a fun marketing campaign that not only included TV spots, but also posters spoofing romantic movies, Deadpool finally got his debut on the big screen. The success of Tim Miller’s directorial debut has been such that there was even a petition to have Deadpool (not Ryan Reynolds, Deadpool) host Saturday Night Live.

Deadpool’s success hasn’t gone unnoticed by his fellow Marvel mates, both from his house (Fox) and from Marvel Studios. Most recently, Chris Evans took Twitter to praise Ryan Reynolds’ performance as the Merc with a mouth, but things got interesting when Reynolds chose a side for the conflict in Captain America: Civil War, prompting Robert Downey Jr. to give him a heads up on Steve Rogers’ good manners.

Even though Deadpool won’t show up during the battle between Team Captain America and Team Iron Man in Captain America: Civil War, Ryan Reynolds chose his side after Chris Evans tweeted Deadpool “was awesome.” Turns out the mercenary is on Captain America’s side. Who would have thought?

.@VancityReynolds Et tu, D-pool? Gimme a shout when Rogers boots you out for “cussing”!— Robert Downey Jr (@RobertDowneyJr) February 20, 2016

Naturally, the opposite team was not going to remain quiet, and so their leader, Robert Downey Jr., took to Twitter to let Reynolds know about Captain America’s rules on cursing. This is a nod to Avengers: Age of Ultron, where Captain America calls out Tony Stark for letting out a swear word during the opening battle, thus becoming a running gag throughout the film. Evans defended himself saying the cussing was his favorite part, but neither his alter-ego Steve Rogers, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, or his mom should know.

Deadpool is called the Merc With a Mouth for a reason, and staying in character, Reynolds replied to Robert Downey Jr.’s tweet simply by saying they both know he “can’t be trusted,” and changed his alliance to #TeamHelloKitty. After all, Hello Kitty’s account is the only one on Deadpool’s “follow” list on Twitter. Let’s say he has his alliances clear.

Sadly, this will be the closest we will get to seeing Deadpool with Captain America and Iron Man. This new and improved Deadpool proved he has no shame and knows no boundaries, and the crew is not afraid of dropping names and references to other Marvel properties either (or even DC’s characters), so it wouldn’t be surprising if Captain America and Iron Man get a nod, even if just a namedrop, in the already confirmed sequel of the mercenary.

Deadpool is now in theaters. X-Men: Apocalypse will hit theaters on May 27, 2016; Gambit sometime in 2017; Wolverine 3 on March 3, 2017; and an unannounced X-Men film on July 13, 2018. The New Mutants is also in development. We’ll let you know when Deadpool 2gets an official release date.

Source: Twitter