It’s become quite well known how hard star Ryan Reynolds had to push to get 20th Century Fox to make a standalone Deadpool film, much less make it an R-rated one. Considering how amazingly successful Deadpool ultimately ended up being at the box office though - earning over $750 million worldwide on a $58 million budget - it’s likely that more than a few Fox executives are continually berating themselves for waiting so long to give it the greenlight.

With the masses still seemingly as in love with Deadpool as they were when the Merc with a Mouth hit theaters, the film’s Blu-ray release is poised to be an event in and of itself. To that end, Fox has now detailed the line-up of special features fans can expect to see on the disc - or rather, Deadpool himself has. After all, a hero that loves breaking the fourth wall as much as Wade Wilson is not going to let some studio suit do his talking for him.

As can be seen in the image below (which was posted to the official Deadpool movie Twitter account), Deadpool is receiving a fairly packed treatment on Blu-ray, albeit not quite as stuffed as some fans might have been expecting. As Deadpool himself would likely sarcastically confirm - in a much more foul mouthed fashion of course - Fox is probably saving some stuff for the inevitable deluxe edition re-release sure to happen just in time for the sequel’s theatrical debut. One does have to wonder what exactly viewers will find inside the “Deadpool’s Fun Sack” area of the disc, assuming it’s not literally a glimpse of Wade’s balls, or photos of an avocado having sex with an older avocado (which, let’s face it, are two things Deadpool would absolutely include were he authoring the disc himself).

With as much hand-biting humor as Fox allowed during Deadpool’s cheeky marketing campaign, one wonders just how blunt the participants in the two listed commentary tracks will be permitted to be when discussing the character’s misuse in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and/or the hard fought battle involved in finally completing Deadpool’s journey to multiplexes across the country. Also, it’ll be interesting to see just how many of the extra raunchy takes previously mentioned in interviews by co-star T.J. Miller make it onto the Blu-ray’s deleted and extended scenes section. As anyone who saw the film in theaters can attest, a joke would have had to be way beyond the pale of decency to be deemed too objectionable to make the final cut.

Deadpool hits Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD formats on May 10, 2016. X-Men: Apocalypse opens in theaters May 27th, 2016, followed by Wolverine 3 on March 3rd, 2017, and unannounced X-Men films on October 6th, 2017 (possibly Gambit), January 12th, 2018 (possibly Deadpool 2), and July 13th, 2018. The New Mutants is also in development.

Source: 20th Century Fox