The latest videos from the set of Deadpool 2 provide new details regarding the plot and offer us our first look at Domino using her mutant powers of altering probability fields. Production on the highly-anticipated sequel commenced in late-June, and things were going rather smoothly, with Ryan Reynolds sharing first look images of Josh Brolin as Cable and Zazie Beetz as Domino. Unfortunately, production was then halted for a couple days when accomplished motorcyclist Joi “SJ” Harris tragically died, while performing her first movie stunt.

Most of the filming on the downtown Vancouver set has been spent on an extensive chase sequence featuring Deadpool, Cable, and Domino. Based on these new set videos, as well as the previous Deadpool 2 set videos, we can pretty much piece together how much of this scene will unfold on the big-screen. If you’re adverse to spoilers of any kind, you should avoid reading any further.

The scene begins with Cable and Domino in hot-pursuit of a large, matte-black Oshkosh military vehicle, which is transporting a quartet of cattle-like containers with captive-mutants inside and has “DMC” painted in large white lettering on its side. While Cable leaps atop the rear container - presumably attempting to free said mutants - Domino isn’t far behind, giving chase on her Ducati. Once the breakout attempt is spotted, the DMC truck begins driving recklessly. It speeds up, runs through red lights and T-bones any vehicle that have the misfortune of getting in its way (see the video below).

Lagging behind all of the action, Deadpool tries to catchup on a red Vespa. To make up for lost time and to get around traffic, he takes a shortcut by driving his scooter onto the sidewalk. By the time he arrives onto the scene, Domino has pulled the driver out of the truck’s cab and is steering the vehicle onto the highway. At this point, something or someone (probably Deadpool) causes the DMC truck to go over the side of an overpass and crash into a used car dealership below. Luckily, Domino jumps out of the falling vehicle in the nick of time and, as you can see in the video below, (subconsciously and intuitively) uses her luck-based powers to cushion her fall with a giant inflatable panda bear.

Filming #DeadPool2 underneath the Granville Street Bridge today. @yvrshoots @WhatsFilming @myvancity— RyanR (@raskalryan) August 13, 2017

We also see the aftermath of the crash in these videos. Much of the dealership’s inventory has been destroyed. Deadpool casually sits atop the badly-damaged DMC truck, which rests on its side. Then we see one of the captive-mutants, dressed in a yellow prison jumpsuit, standing amongst the wreckage. Interestingly, he’s wearing a bulky metal collar around his neck. It’s more than likely an Inhibitor Collar, a device used in Marvel Comics to neutralize the super-powers of the wearer.

And who is portraying the captive mutant? Though we don’t get a clear look at his face, we can assume based on the actor’s hairstyle, physique and youthful appearance that it’s Julian Dennison. Back in June, Reynolds revealed that the 14-year-old New Zealand actor - who is best known for starring alongside Sam Neill in Taika Waititi’s Hunt for the Wilderpeople - will appear in the film.

Who might he be playing? Seeing as though Deadpool 2 will feature characters that will appear in the X-Force movie, which is currently being written by Joe Carnahan, Dennison could be playing Phat (whose real name is William Robert Reilly). Phat, who was a member of X-Force, can stretch his fat deposits, making his body larger and fatter. However, since Dennison is probably wearing an Inhibitor Collar, Phat should appear thin in this scene. Then again, that can easily be explained if the collar broke during the crash or producers decided to reverse how his powers work.

Sources: Charles Lamoureux, RyanR

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