Now that the hype has died down and the smoke has cleared around Deadpool’s record-breaking theatrical run – and with the film now selling like gangbusters on home video – talk has turned to the prospects for Deadpool 2, and whether it can possibly top the first film. One new addition fans can be certain will be part of Deadpool 2 is Cable, the time-traveling son of noted X-Man Cyclops (Scott Summers). Whether the character will retain that exact origin on the big-screen remains to be seen, but a cheeky post-credits scene at the end of Deadpool made it known that Cable would indeed join him for the sequel.

Noted tough-guy actors like Dolph Lundgren and Stephen Lang have since expressed interest in playing the role, and today brings with it a new entrant into the Cable mix. Former Hellboy star Ron Perlman has officially thrown his hat into the ring for a shot at the role, via a pair of posts on his Instagram account.

As Perlman, points out, he bears quite a resemblance to the comic book rendition of Cable, right down to the spiky white hair. Based on looks alone, Perlman should likely be a top contender for the part, although Lang bears more than a passing similarity to Cable in the looks department as well. Of course, more usually tends to go into studio casting decisions than pure aesthetics, and Fox will likely weigh multiple candidates before officially assigning such a potentially important role in the Deadpool/X-Men movie universe. Perlman is no stranger to using social media to try and get things done, as evidenced by his recent online push to get the long-awaited Hellboy 3 off the ground.


Or hair. I’m the only one with #Cable’s friggin HAIR!

A photo posted by Ron Perlman (@perlmutations) on May 17, 2016 at 6:20pm PDT

Even my fave artist got into the fray…

A photo posted by Ron Perlman (@perlmutations) on May 17, 2016 at 8:59pm PDT

While possibly best known to today’s mainstream audiences for his long run as Clay Morrow on the FX biker drama Sons of Anarchy, Perlman is definitely no stranger to the world of comic book-based films, even outside of his work as Hellboy. Between his storied live-action career and his equally prolific voice acting resume, Perlman has lent his talents to dozens of comic adaptations, albeit far more on the DC side of things. Perlman isn’t a complete stranger to the larger Marvel universe, though, having played a key villainous role in the pre-MCU hit sequel Blade II and he voiced The Abomination in the well-received Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction video game.

Is Ron Perlman a good choice to play Cable in Deadpool 2? Definitely. He has the look, the talent, and tons of built-in geek cred. Will the necessary pieces fall into place for him to get the role? It’s far too soon to make a prediction on that front. Especially when the formidable Keira Knightley remains in the running.

X-Men: Apocalypse opens in theaters on May 27, 2016, followed by Wolverine 3 on March 3, 2017, and unannounced X-Men films on October 6, 2017 (possibly Gambit), January 12, 2018 (possibly Deadpool 2), and July 13, 2018 (possibly The New Mutants).

Source: Ron Perlman