Deadpool 2 reshoots will supposedly add more Cable (Josh Brolin) and Domino (Zazie Beets), squashing rumors that the additional photography was due to the film getting bad reviews after test screenings. Helmed by a new director in David Leitch following the exit of Tim Miller, the film promises to bring in a bigger spectacle compared to its predecessor.

Early last month, Brolin announced that he was coming back on set for Deadpool 2 reshoots. At that time, no one viewed the matter as a cause for concern considering how the actor shared the news. However, early this week, speculation started to go around online that the Ryan Reynolds-led film wasn’t testing well - causing fans to be worried. Now, new intel quells followers doubts sharing that the reshoots were mostly to make the film better.

Collider EIC Steve Weintraub went on air yesterday to acknowledge rumors regarding the Deadpool 2 reshoots. Citing multiple sources who were present during Fox’s test screenings for the film and people who know about the matter, he squashed rumors that the additional photography was due to bad crowd reception of the film. Instead, it’s to add more Cable and Domino, who were both standouts during different screenings. Weintraub ended by saying that Fox was mainly trying to make a good movie even better, and that another test screening was held last week where the movie once again scored above 90. Here’s his full explanation regarding the reshoots:

Screen Rant reached out to Fox for comment and will update accordingly.

“Both crowds in these screenings said they love Josh Brolin as Cable, they love Domino, but that they would like to see more of both characters in the movie. This is obviously not talking about other things that we’re not allowed to talk about… The two main things were Cable, Domino, everyone loved both characters, they wanted to see more. So when everyone in an audience gives notes and says ‘we want more Domino, we want more Cable,’ the smart play for the studio is, especially in the competitive summer is, ‘okay, how can we do that? how can we add these characters?’ So what happened was in February or whenever it was, they did additional photography, where, guess what, they added Cable, or more Cable and they added more Domino. And so that’s the main thing about the additional photography. There was no trainwreck.”

The term “reshoots” has developed a negative connotation over the last few years as fans started to associate it with studios’ last-ditch efforts to course correct a movie that supposedly isn’t testing well. And while that’s a possibility with the likes of Justice League and Suicide Squad undergoing extensive reshoots too close to their release dates, it doesn’t always mean the film will be bad. Tentpole movies actually allot a specific duration in their schedules for planned pick-ups. Projects like Wonder Woman and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story also underwent reshoots, and both turned out fine.

With a packed summer blockbuster season, it makes sense that every studio vying for people’s ticket money will put in the extra effort to make their film stand out from the crowd. Especially with Deadpool 2, Fox needs to make sure that their film is as good as possible, considering it is sandwiched between two huge Disney blockbusters: Avengers: Infinity War and Solo: A Star Wars Story, which are both poised to demolish the box office.

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Source: Collider

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