The story of Deadpool is a true Cinderella story, presuming Cinderella had an extreme healing factor, was pansexual, and had a foul mouth; the handsome prince was a lovely proto-mutant named Vanessa; and the wicked stepmother and stepsisters were cut back to Ajax and Angel Dust due to budgetary constraints. Like many storied productions, though, the first film struggled to find its outlet, as director Tim Miller, writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, and actor Ryan Reynolds lovingly nurtured the project over the course of a decade. Deadpool 2, on the other hand, was announced even before its predecessor shattered box office records last February – with a third feature already on the way (with X-Force!).

Early reports suggested Deadpool 2 could start shooting as early as January of next year. However, the departure of Miller left a power void which understandably slowed things down. As a result, cameras won’t roll quite as early as initially expected.

What’s Filming, which tracks productions in Vancouver and across British Columbia, recently announced a potential start for Deadpool’s sequel on an unspecified date in June of 2017 (via Omega Underground). If accurate, the later date gives 20th Century Fox time to bring new director David Leitch (John Wick) up to speed with the film. A later start also would allow FOX’s X-team an opportunity to adjust for any alterations brought about by Miller’s departure and Leitch’s vision for the film.

Producer Simon Kinberg recently reaffirmed his commitment to creating a low-key sequel in the spirit of the first film, but making sure Deadpool 2 is still “fresh and original.” While co-writers Reese and Wernick long-ago finished their shooting script, they along with Leitch will have additional time to tweak it or add any additional details or characters, if desired or required. The production delay should also give its new director a chance to get acquainted with his cast and crew and prepare for the Merc with a Mouth’s undoubtedly action-packed shoot.

While FOX’s announcement of shooting delays was inevitable following Miller’s departure, and the subsequent hunt for the next helmer, many fans might have been worried that the sequel would get bumped from a 2018 (originally January, then March) premiere altogether. However, features often experience production delays due to unforeseeable occurrences. Recently, the studio set two release dates, one of them could be for Deadpool 2 and account for delays. Leitch and crew should have more than enough time to crank through filming and post-production in order to meet the first of the (tentative) release dates of November 2, 2018, if not earlier. While the delay may frustrate some Deadpool fanatics eagerly awaiting his return to the silver screen, the June start will give FOX a chance to get things perfect for the sequel.

Of course, pushing DP2 back could make things a little crowded for FOX’s production slate, since filming is also scheduled to begin on the latest X-Men picture in May in Montreal. Fortunately, since Deadpool is generally detached from the greater X-Universe, the close productions shouldn’t interfere with each other. And who knows, maybe FOX will be tempted to send Wade and Cable back in time to mess with the ’90s X-Men (or not).

Next: Deadpool 2 Director Explains Departure & Cable Casting Rumors

Source: What’s Filming [via Omega Underground]

  • Deadpool 2 Release Date: 2018-05-18 New Mutants Release Date: 2020-08-28 Wolverine 3 Release Date: 2017-03-03