Introducing Cable

First up, Josh Brolin’s Cable. Cable was created by Rob Liefeld and Louise Simonson back in 1990, and there’s a sense in which he epitomizes ’90s comics. That era eschewed realism in favor of all-action heroes of the musclebound variety. Costumes designs incorporated as many pouches as possible and the (anti)heroes often carried guns of an incredible size. In an interview with The Comics Bulletin, Liefeld explained he envisioned Cable as “a “man of action, the opposite of Xavier.” Where Xavier attempted to redeem his enemies, Cable believed they just needed to be taken out. His philosophy conflicted markedly with the X-Men, who often viewed him as an enemy rather than an ally.

Cable became a new mentor figure for the New Mutants, a group of teenage mutants who he shaped into becoming the first X-Force. He believed in the need for a sort of mutant black ops team, one that would deal with threats with extreme prejudice. The X-Men were horrified, and the growing rift between the two teams eventually led them to hunt Cable’s X-Force down. As the years passed, Cable gradually became accepted by the X-Men. He even joined the team on occasion.

In 2004, Fabian Nicieza launched the popular Cable & Deadpool series. A humorous series, this essentially had Cable play the straight man to Deadpool’s jester. It was tremendously popular and was only canceled in 2008, when Marvel launched solo books for both characters. Director David Leitch has confirmed that the film will have a similar dynamic to the comics, which will surely carry both characters forward into X-Force.

Domino And The Six Pack

Cable isn’t the only X-Force member to make an appearance in this film. Deadpool 2 will introduce viewers to Zazie Beetz’s Domino. This character was created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld back in 1992. She was introduced as a member of a mercenary team known as the Six Pack, but soon became part of Cable’s X-Force. Although the team has gone through many incarnations since, Domino has typically been a member.

Like Deadpool, Domino was the subject of experiments to create the perfect soldier. She was given the ability to manipulate probability, granting herself good luck, or cursing her foes with bad luck. This “probability field” extends around her, making improbable events all the more likely. Her enemies’ equipment malfunctions, an extra bullet drops from a grate at the key moment, or she just happens to land perfectly after a jump. In the hands of the best writers, this powerset can make for a thrilling, action-packed adventure.

Meanwhile, the trailer also gives a brief glimpse of what seems to be the mercenary team known as the Six Pack. One of the members is Terry Crews, and he looks very similar to some designs for G.W. Bridge. This team has been a constant recurring threat to X-Force; Bridge even hunted them down in Liefeld’s first run. Meanwhile, the Six Pack seem to have been slightly redesigned; one of the figures is wearing a distinctive white outfit, and has a very strange “helmet.” It’s clearly reminiscent of another X-Force member, Shatterstar. Intriguingly, back in May last year there were rumors Shatterstar could appear in the film, along with fellow X-Force members Sunspot and Feral. Co-writer Rhett Reese denied the rumor, but it’s possible Shatterstar actually did make the cut.

How Deadpool 2 Assembles X-Force

The trailer drops some intriguing hints as to the world of X-Force. It features a lot of action by a group of shield-bearing soldiers who call themselves “DMC.” The designs are visually similar to the MRD, an anti-mutant group who were created in the Wolverine and the X-Men animated series. It’s likely the acronym stands for “Department of Mutant Control,” strongly suggesting this era is one in which mutants are hunted down and persecuted.

Intriguingly, some of the shots suggest there’s an almost religious element to anti-mutant sentiment. A Church-style setting has banners referring to “Purebloods,” for example. Again, in the comics, this isn’t actually an unusual idea. A major X-Men villain is one Reverend Stryker, who believes mutants are literally Hellspawn. He founded an organization known as the Purifiers, dedicated to a holy war against mutants. The Purifiers have strong political ties, and accumulated weapons in the vestries of churches across the world. In recent years, this group has essentially become X-Force’s recurring foes.

Finally, it looks as though this future timeline even has some sort of mutant concentration camps. There are several scenes where these prisoners are seen wearing inhibitor collars. In the comics, this technology was created on the island nation of Genosha, and the collars were used to neutralize mutant powers. The plot was heavily adapted for the ’90s X-Men Animated Series, and proved to be one of the most popular arcs.

Putting Together The Pieces

It’s important to remember that Cable is a time-traveler. That means some scenes are likely set in different time-periods. The most probable plot is that Cable has traveled back in time to avert a war between humanity and mutants. His method is simple; he assembles a task-force of mercenaries, the Six Pack, to take down key players in this imminent war.

Cable’s actions may not actually be prudent. In the comics, his methods often ignited anti-mutant hatred rather than averted it. There were occasions when he came dangerously close to creating martyrs. Meanwhile, the very idea of the Six Pack is a flawed one. This group members are motivated by money, and in the comics, several have turned traitor on occasion. It’s highly likely the plot will include a betrayal, and the Six Pack will fall apart. Cable will be forced to take another approach.

This second approach will be X-Force, and this time around he’ll choose mutants. After all, the mutants are the ones whose lives are on the line if this fails. They’re invested in a way that no mercenary is. If this prediction is correct, Deadpool 2 will probably close with a post-credits sequence teasing that Cable is (in the words of Nick Fury) “putting together a team.”


It’s important to remember that Deadpool 2 isn’t purely setup; it’s sure to be a thrilling film in its own right. But one of the movie’s functions is clearly to set in place the foundations for Fox’s X-Force movie. It’s done so by establishing some of the most important X-Force characters, including - from the trailer - some we never expected to see at this stage. No doubt there are more surprises to come.

MORE: All 13 X-Men Films Fox Still Has In Development

  • Deadpool 2 Release Date: 2018-05-18 X-Men: Dark Phoenix Release Date: 2019-06-07 New Mutants Release Date: 2020-08-28