Ray Fisher also wants Justice League’s Snyder Cut to be released. Following his brief appearance in 2016’s Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Fisher officially debuted in Warner Bros. and DC’s ensemble flick directed by Zack Snyder as Victor Stone/Cyborg. The project was supposed to solidify the studio’s plans for an interconnected superhero franchise; sadly, it performed poorly critically and at the box office, causing them to rethink their strategy. Marred by a few controversies, one of its most talked about mishaps is the director switch between Snyder and Joss Whedon, changing much of the film’s original narrative.

This led to the rise of the “Release the Snyder Cut” movement - a campaign started by fans demanding that Warner Bros. release the original cut of the movie with Junkie XL’s (the original composer before Danny Elfman stepped in) intended musical score. A year and a half since Justice League hit theaters, the petition is still going, despite the studio not giving any indication that it has any intentions of heeding the request. However, as time goes by, more prominent people are getting behind the cause - the latest of whom is Fisher.

Appearing at Celebrity FanFest (via: SuperBroMovies), the actor was asked about his thoughts regarding the “Release the Snyder Cut” petition. He said that if he had the ability to roll out this version of Justice League, he would, to the delight of the audience. Fisher didn’t elaborate on what he knows about Snyder’s original narrative, but his support to the initiative is more than enough for fans who have relentlessly campaigned for the cause.

There were several elements in Snyder’s original Justice League cut that was left on the cutting room floor when Whedon manned reshoots and post-production. This resulted in the movie feeling truncated and incoherent with what’s established in the DCEU by previous Snyder films. However, no personal arc was more overlooked than Cyborg’s. The character was supposed to be the heart of the film, having a personal stake in the matter given his link to the Mother Boxes, not to mention the involvement of his father Silas Stone (Joe Morton) who used the powerful devices to reconstruct his disabled son. Much of his origin story was cut from Justice League’s theatrical version, including some character moments between him and his family, making him feel more like a plot device than a key player in the story.

Fisher openly wanting the Snyder Cut to be released makes sense considering how much of Cyborg’s story was left out by Justice League. Aside from its implications in the film itself, not properly developing his character hindered his chances of having an actual future in the DCEU. While Wonder Woman and Aquaman move forward with their own standalone adventures, there doesn’t seem like an urge to see a Cyborg solo flick simply because fans have yet to be invested in the character. If the public learns how he was initially supposed to be utilized in the movie, then maybe they’ll get behind the hero and push for another outing from him.

More: Justice League 2 Was Supposed To Release TODAY: Here’s What The Story Was

Source: Ray Fisher (via SuperBroMovies)

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