In a movie filled with established actors, Dave Bautista was the newbie of the group. Guardians of the Galaxy launched Parks and Rec vet Chris Pratt’s career to new levels, but also featured established actors Zoe Saldana, Vin Diesel, and Bradley Cooper as the other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Drax’s inability to understand metaphors and unique sense of humor helped give Bautista a breakout role in the film, and could do so again in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 later this year.

However, the film that could reach an even bigger audience will be Avengers: Infinity War and the followup, Untitled Avengers. Drax and his expanded team are set to be included in Marvel’s ambitious film, which will mark the first time that the Guardians cross paths with many of the other heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With so many potential new allies on the horizon, Bautista is hoping to most work with the man who started it all.

As part of an interview with Collider where Bautista also discussed the logistical nightmare that Marvel must experience with the Avengers movies, he was asked which MCU actor he is most hoping to get to work with. For Bautista, the answer was simple: Robert Downey Jr.

While Downey was a star before his time as Tony Stark, it is undeniable how much bigger his career has become since he took on the character in 2008. Since he is responsible for helping launch the MCU that gave Bautista the chance of a lifetime to achieve his dreams as an actor, it is no surprise that he would look up to RDJ and wish to interact with him. At some point in these movies, the Guardians will meet the Avengers, so Bautista could get his chance then. If it does happen, it could prove to be hilarious if Stark’s quick wit does not phase an oblivious Drax.

I’ve said all along, I want to work with RDJ, man. I want to work with Robert Downey Jr. He’s Iron Man. He’s Tony Stark, man. He’s the guy! If I had to narrow down my favorite Marvel film: Iron Man. My favorite, I love it. That movie made me a fan of Iron Man, because up until then I really wasn’t. Batman and Aquaman were my guys growing up, oddly enough. It just made me a fan and I started watching from then on and all the Marvel movies, it’s just got the golden touch. They’ve really got their finger on the pulse.

However, even if Iron Man and Drax appear in the same scene during the course of the next two Avengers films, that is no guarantee that Bautista and Downey worked together. Downey hardly does any work in the Iron Man suits anymore, so Drax’s potential interactions with the suit could be without RDJ physically on-set. That said, it is extremely possible that even if they never get to film a scene together that Bautista, at the very least, will have the chance to meet RDJ over the course of the movies’ production.

Source: Collider

  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Release Date: 2017-05-05 Black Panther Release Date: 2018-02-16 Avengers: Infinity War Release Date: 2018-04-27 The Avengers 4 Release Date: 2019-04-26 Ant-Man 2 Release Date: 2018-07-06 captain marvel Release Date: 2019-03-08