The Gluttony boss fight in Darksiders 3 is one of the tougher ones in the game, and as such it’s one that players will likely come across later in their Darksiders 3 playthrough. Indeed, even though the Horseman Fury claims in-game that the fight against Gluttony is one of the easiest of the lot, this member of the Seven Deadly Sins might be one that players find more difficult.

Reaching Gluttony in the first place is itself a challenge, with players having to contend with underwater sections that, although some of the most graphically impressive of the game, can take some getting use to and a good knowledge of the basics of the Hollow system. As such, some might want a quick refresher of some Darksiders 3 gameplay hints and tips before they dive deep to go after Gluttony.

Once there, Gluttony uses a trick that some of the others of the Seven Deadly Sins have already tried and failed. Attempting to entice Fury with a table full of delicious-looking food, the Horseman sees through the facade relatively quickly, breaking the illusion just in time to avoid a devastating attack from Gluttony’s giant form. After a quick war of words, the fight then truly begins.

Gluttony is massive, has a wide variety of attacks, and hits extremely hard. In his first form, the Sin can fire ranged mortar shots that do a tremendous amount of damage, direct projectile waves, as well as wide, sweeping attacks that Fury will want to avoid. Above this, Gluttony also lashes out with his arms, and rarest of all will try to suck Fury into his cavernous maw - a fate that is definitely the worst of the bunch, and that requires some serious jumping and dodging to avoid.

With the stage set up in a similar fashion to Half-Life’s notorious Blast Pit boss fight, Gluttony remains in the center of the arena, and as such there’s no true escape aside from a quick dodge and jump here and there to stay safe. Keep picking apart his health, however, and eventually players will be able to move onto the second half of the boss fight, with Gluttony destroying the arena and plunging Fury into the abyss below.

Here, Gluttony returns to the form that Fury had seen before, as the behemoth that previously blocked the way and that Fury chased underwater in the first place. Once again, the Sin will try to suck Fury in, and players will want to swim away to escape this threat. Also lashing forward with tentacles and driving forward with a biting attack, it makes the large underwater arena feel incredibly small.

However, beating Gluttony in this final form is actually relatively straightforward. Players will want to swim over to one of the two points on the map that spawns the underwater mines, and coax one out. Avoid allowing the mine to explode, and instead wait for Gluttony to try and suck the player in, leading the mine over to the vortex. As it turns out, explosives are one of the few things that the Sin doesn’t find palatable.

After a couple of spicy meatballs, Gluttony then lies defeated, and all that remains is for Fury to swim up and and trigger a final cutscene. All in all, this fight is certainly more difficult than the likes of Wrath, but in the end the fearsome Sin is defeated.

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