Darksiders 3 has arrived, and some players may want a guide to help with some beginner gameplay tips and hints. Given the amount of time between the first two Darksiders games and this third part of the series, there’s all likelihood that some players may be going into this fresh. Meanwhile, some gameplay tweaks to Darksiders 3 might leave veterans needing to re-learn the basics.

In short, Darksiders 3 has made a slight move towards the model of From Software’s Dark Souls. Although not at the same level of difficulty, Darksiders 3 has put a much greater emphasis on clever combat, as well as making tweaks to the main structure of the world. Although they are not major changes, it could be enough to throw some players off.

As such, here’s a quick guide to the basics of Darksiders 3. Even though some players have had an early view on when the game was due to release thanks to a storefront error, that doesn’t help with preparation for those gameplay changes. Read on to find out how to handle the game from the off, and live up the reputation of being one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

  • Page 1 (this page): Dodging, Purchasing Souls, and Using Wrath & Havoc Page 2: The Hollows & The Maker Tree of Darksiders 3

Learn To Dodge in Darksiders 3

Perhaps the biggest change that players will need to get to grips with is the larger focus on clever combat. Although some may expect the Horsemen to be direct and aggressive, particularly one called Fury, it pays to be a little more calm and collected in Darksiders 3.

That’s because many enemies pack a punch in the game. Although the weakest of enemies in Darksiders 3 may still be more of a nuisance than a genuine threat, many have the ability to strip Fury of half of her health in a single attack, so it pays to be aware of when these attacks are coming in.

Because of this, learning how to dodge correctly is vitally important, allowing players to avoid taking damage from those most threatening of attacks. Better yet, dodging at a close enough time to the attack landing will give the player the option to unleash a savage counter-attack to take them down. So - being cautious doesn’t just keep Fury alive, but also allows her to kill off enemies at an even better rate.

Use Your Wrath And Havoc Effectively

It’s not just dodges and counter-attacks that Fury has at her disposal, though. On top of this, two separate power-up bars can be used to great effect in the game - Wrath and Havoc. These both provide Fury with a handy boost in tough situations, and Darksiders 3 is full of a fair few of those.

Wrath fills quicker, and allows Fury to unleash a Wrath Attack. These attacks do more damage, and are very useful to taking down enemies quickly, particularly when in a crowd. However, it still allows Fury to take damage, and so players should make sure not to lose themselves in the bloodlust when using the Wrath Attack.

The Havoc bar fills slower, but is much more powerful. Allowing Fury to transform into her Havoc Form, it makes Fury into an unstoppable power, wiping out even the toughest of standard enemies with ease and taking a decent chunk of health off bosses to boot. Even better, it also gives Fury the chance to refill her health bar - although given the power of the Havoc Form, it’s best to use this sparingly and in particularly tough fights.

Make Souls Purchases Wisely

Throughout Darksiders 3, the Demon merchant Vulgrim will appear and offer up his services to Fury. Although obviously untrustworthy, Vulgrim proved a handy ally in both Darksiders and Darksiders 2, and he is the same in this third game in the series.

Vulgrim offers up a fair few upgrades to the player, but making sure that the collected souls are spent wisely is tantamount to success. For starters, players should think about what they want to prioritize. Vulgrim provides level upgrades to Health, Strength, and Arcane damage, but also consumable shards, crafting items to use at the Maker Tree, and weapon upgrades.

As such, it’s best to think about what will suit the player’s style of play. Getting hold of the unique upgrades is certainly handy, but it’s important to keep levelling up where possible, and early on it might be worth chucking a few extra levels into Health just to give players a damage buffer. Consumables are also worth having, particularly the Havoc shards that instantly refill Fury’s Havoc meter.

Page 2 of 2: The Hollows & The Maker Tree of Darksiders 3

Understand The Hollows of Darksiders 3

Throughout Darksiders 3, the Lord of Hollows gives Fury various Hollows. These provide Fury with new weapons to use, but also expands her reach within the game world, opening up doors that were otherwise locked through increased jump height and the ability to break through previously impenetrable barriers.

Obviously, understanding how these Hollows help with mobility is vital to making it through the game. In particular, the Flame and Force Hollows are particularly useful. The Flame Hollow allows for the destruction of webs and a much greater jump height, while the Force Hollow destroys certain barriers and lets Fury walk on the floor underwater, as well as forming a Metroid-esque ball to move on certain surfaces.

Beyond this, the weapons for each Hollow are also worth mastering. Each has a different form, be it a lance or hammer, and understanding the power and speed of these weapons and switching up with Fury’s standard attacks is a great way to keep on top of enemies. Just be sure to match the weapon type to the speed of an enemy’s attacks, so Fury doesn’t get caught out.

Go Back To The Maker Tree Regularly

With so much excitement to be found, and so many battles to be had, players might forget to stop in at home base every now and again. Be sure to use the fast travel system to get back to the Maker Tree once every so often to get a few much-needed upgrades.

Acting as a safe refuge for humans, and set up by the Makers, the Haven is the place to go to improve Fury’s weapons, both with generic improvements to damage dealt and also to the unique enchantments that can be found along the way. Manned by Ulthane, who players should remember (for better or worse) from the first Darksiders, stopping in now and again can make a lot of difference to how lethal Fury is.

Better yet, Haven is where Fury gains the task of sending humans to safety. When Fury reaches a different set target of humans saved, Ulthane will be able to grant an additional upgrade, so checking back in after saving a few humans could also give Fury a bit of a boost again.

That ends this list of early tips for Darksiders 3. With these in mind, players will get to grips with the game in no time, even with its slight shift towards a Metroidvania style and slightly less direct action gameplay. Even the Seven Deadly Sins won’t stand a chance against Fury after long.

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Darksiders 3 releases November 27, 2018 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.