The Netflix Daredevil series has set a new standard for superhero television. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been adding shows like Daredevil and now Jessica Jones to its fold and they’re wowing fans, sometimes even more than the feature films. Daredevil (Charlie Cox) is returning to Netflix next season and he will be taking on the legendary vigilante Frank Castle, who operates under the alias of The Punisher (Jon Bernthal).

Fans have been hearing tidbits about how great and true to the comic books that the very first television version of Frank Castle is going to be. This weekend at Comic Con Experience in Brazil, Marvel Comics aired a brand new teaser trailer for the next season of Daredevil, and the very first glimpse into the violent nature of The Punisher.

The footage hasn’t been officially released, and thanks to high security at the Con there are no shaky bootleg versions floating around either, but Tumblr user cherryvane was kind enough to describe the scenes for the fans.

A grisly scene:

Daredevil’s reaction:

The “teaser” started on a scene where Matt, dressed as Daredevil (wearing the uniform from the end of season 1) walks on a room that looked like a refrigerator. The place was barely lit and had big slices of meat hanging from the ceiling.

As Daredevil walks on that room (the camera focused only at him) we see that he’s searching for something as he stays quiet, slowly walking deep into the room, turning his head trying to hear something. At some point, something not show to the spectator grasps his attention.

The camera open focus to the rest of the room and we see that there are also people being hanged like meat.

Matt [Daredevil]searches the corpses with his super senses, not touching, only trying for heart beats, once he finds someone he rush to aid the man: “I’ll take you of that” (or something like it), he says as he tries to take the barely alive man off the hook.

After succeeding, he lays the guy (that I have no idea of how he could be alive considering how badly injured the dude was) on the ground and say something along the lines “Why did they do this to you?” In which the guy mumbles “They? It was just a guy”. Matt stays dead silent, camera focusing on him.

The Punisher finally appears:

The presence of The Punisher is no doubt going to dial-up the graphic violence level in Daredevil, as evidence by the footage described above. In fact, the second season has even been described by the show runners as ‘Daredevil vs. Punisher’.

The scene shifts. It’s night time and someone is on the top of a building aiming a sniper riffle at a person on a taxi. I’m not sure if the person being aimed was a man or a woman, though it looked like a woman.

The man behind the gun is no one else but the Frank Castle. While Frank is readying his riffle for the perfect shot, unaware of his surroundings, DD [Daredevil] appears.

Running on the rooftop, he jumps and kicks the gun, amazingly diving over Frank to stop him. They soon engage on a fight, but when it was getting interesting and intense as f— the scene was cut with the Daredevil logo and “2016 - NETFLIX”.

Fans will be happy to know that Jon Bernthal has been doing his homework and studying the comic books in preparation for the role.  The Punisher is likely being groomed to have his own Netflix series, as long as his presence is well received by audiences.   The series will likely follow the same template as fellow dark and twisty Marvel series, Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) and the spinoff solo Luke Cage (Mike Colter) television series that is debuting next year on Netflix.

Daredevil Season 1 and Jessica Jones Season 1 are now available on Netflix. Luke Cage Season 1 and Daredevil Season 2 (a.k.a. Daredevil vs. Punisher) will premiere on Netflix in 2016. Iron Fist and The Defenders will arrive sometime thereafter.

Source: cherryvane