Following the successful launch of Marvel’s Daredevil on Netflix, actor Elden Henson has every reason to be riding high. While Henson has been acting steadily since the ’80s, the fan-favorite character of Foggy Nelson has arguably served as his breakout role and entryway into becoming a household name with the masses at large. That said, it would appear that Henson has no intention to rest on his laurels anytime soon, and even has ambitions of eventually traveling outside of Hell’s Kitchen and paying a visit to other sectors of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s expansive landscape.

During a Q&A held at the 2016 Emerald City Comiccon in Seattle, Henson - who admits to having never read Daredevil comics before landing the part of Foggy - was asked about what the future held for his character in the MCU and said that he hopes it includes more than just the MCU/Netflix TV shows.

Here is Henson’s direct quote on the matter, per CBR:

Nelson further implored the fans in attendance to take to social media and publicly lobby for Foggy to make additional MCU appearances outside of Daredevil. In particular, Henson pointed out that he would most like Foggy to turn up in a Guardians of the Galaxy film, although he admits that desire has more to do with him being a fan of those characters and less to do with it making any logical sense for a lawyer from New York City to somehow end up standing next to Groot aboard The Milano. Henson was also asked whether he was on Team Captain America or Team Iron Man in regards to the upcoming sequel Captain America: Civil War, but declined to answer, arguing that he would end up in a “no-win” situation by taking sides.

“I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I have no idea what’s going to happen. That’s one of the cool things about being on a Marvel show. There’s the possibility for all of these characters to collide.”

While Henson’s suggestion of Foggy working alongside Peter Quill and crew is probably unlikely to come to pass, the inter-connected nature of the MCU mean it’s possible Foggy could someday encounter MCU heavyweights like Iron Man, Captain America, and The Hulk. At the least, the conclusion to Daredevil season 2 opened the door for Foggy to appear in other Marvel/Netflix series, including potentially Jessica Jones season 2.

Civil War directors Anthony and Joe Russo have said that it would be “complicated” to include the Marvel/Netflix TV show characters in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War two-part film event, but who knows - if Matt Murdock and/or his costumed alter ago ever does share the screen with the Avengers in a future blockbuster, it would only make sense for Foggy to find himself roped into the situation too. Still, if that crossover were to take place, it probably won’t happen for at least a few more years worth of MCU installments. Maybe by then Henson could see his wish come true, with Foggy being hired to represent Star-Lord in a galactic trial of some sort. After all, even rogues need capable counsel.

Daredevil season 1 & 2 and Jessica Jones season 1 are now available on Netflix. Luke Cage season 1 will arrive on September 30th, 2016. Release dates for Jessica Jones season 2, Iron Fist, and The Defenders on Netflix have not yet been announced. We’ll keep you posted on the possibility of a Punisher series as the story develops.

Source: CBR