Be honest, you’ve imagined yourself in some pocket of the DCEU. Whether it’s the underwater world of Aquaman’s Atlantis or the warrior paradise of Wonder Woman’s Themyscira, it’s hard not to fantasize about being in that expansive, exciting world. But if you did find yourself in DC’s cinematic universe, how would you act? Would you be a hero, a villain, or something in between?

If that choice is tough for you, the creators of Dungeons & Dragons might be able to help. D&D’s Moral Alignment system sorts characters into nine groups based on their sense of right and wrong. It helps deepen characters by drawing lines between the black and white simplicity of good in evil. The characters of the DCEU are anything but simple, so with that in mind, here’s our list of The Moral Alignments in the DCEU.

9. Lawful Good - Superman

At the risk of sounding obvious, Superman is the most “good” of all the good guys in the DCEU. He does exactly what he believes is right, even when it’s complicated, and he has tremendous respect for those in authority. Look no further to the handcuff scene in Man of Steel to confirm that last bit. Like Captain America in the MCU, Superman is a paragon of righteousness. His devotion to others and the idea of a peaceful world is unmatched. No matter what Batman thinks.

8. Neutral Good - Aquaman

Neutral Goods are committed to doing what’s right, but in a very personal way. They make decisions based on the sense of morality in themselves, whether an authoritative body agrees with their actions or not. Since Aquaman is of two worlds, it’s not surprising that he relies on his own ideas of good and evil. He’s seen the best and worst of both Atlantis and the human world, and he’s decided not to adhere completely to either one’s morals. Still, if injustice goes unpunished or innocents are in danger, you can count on Jason Mamoa.

I mean Aquaman.

7. Chaotic Good - Steve Trevor

“Hot-headed” is a term that comes up a lot to describe Chaotic Goods. That has nothing to do with their sense of right and wrong (which is almost always on the money), but how they go displaying those morals. Like other Chaotic Goods, Steve Trevor has the best intentions but not always the best actions. He strikes out in anger quickly, even if that anger is technically justified. Basically, Steve will make the first choice that comes to mind. Safety, authority, and even logic be damned. It makes him a fun hero to watch, but probably a frustrating teammate.

6. Lawful Neutral - Amanda Waller


The concepts of good and evil are meaningless to Amanda Waller. She defines things by if they work or if they don’t. A society functions if there is order, she thinks, so the ultimate goal of her career has been establishing that order. If she sees a potential threat to it, even if that “threat” is a big blue champion of virtue, she will stoop to the lowest low to make sure her ordered world is safe. If that means aligning with some of the worst villains in the world, then so be it.

5. True Neutral - Deadshot

True Neutrals make great mercenaries because they don’t care about what’s right or wrong. They only care about themselves, or maybe their closest loved ones. Protecting those priorities is all that matters to characters like Deadshot. Whether that means working with supervillains or superheroes, he doesn’t much care. Yes, we know that he’s labeled as a villain in the DCEU, but it’s only because that’s where the money is. If you haven’t noticed, Clark Kent is not a rich guy in the DC Comics universe.

4. Chaotic Neutral - Harley Quinn

Chaotic Neutrals do what they can get away with. And that’s pretty much Harley Quinn to a T. She is a selfish character but doesn’t shy from putting her safety in danger if it sounds like fun. Like a trickster in mythology, she’s a creature of whim. If causing trouble sounds enjoyable, she’s as likely to do that as play superhero. Harley does what she wants when she wants, unbeholden to a moral code or any kind of authority. In other words, she is a very bad candidate to be put on a rescue team, Director Waller.

3. Lawful Evil - Zod

There’s a warped sense of honor in the character of General Zod. He will do despicable things, disregarding the rights and even lives of everyone around him, but he does those things because he’s committed to an ideal. Zod is tragic in a Shakespearean way. He will internally justify evil actions because of his loyalty to a cause. Much like Marvel’s Thanos, Zod doesn’t believe his choices are wrong, just difficult to make. The two characters also share pretty defining moments that deal with a snap, but I won’t spoil those here…

2. Neutral Evil - Enchantress

The Enchantress has evil in her DNA (do ancient chaos gods have DNA? Worth a Google). Her monstrousness doesn’t come from a warped sense of good or a need for a thrill, they’re just part of her nature. In a sense, she’s a lot like a storm. Powerful, destructive, but without a goal. It’s a shame that we won’t see her in future films, especially now that magic is taking a front seat in the DCEU. She’d be a great obstacle for a certain marvelous character to overcome. Or I guess, Shazam-elous.

I’m talking about Shazam.

1. Chaotic Evil - Joker

Getting a cursive tattoo on your forehead is Chaotic Evil. Honestly, I could end the description right there. However, since there are still probably a few folks that want more explanation, I’ll keep going. The Joker reacts to every situation by seeing just how much madness he can cause. I know I’m talking about the DCEU version of this character, but Jared Leto’s Joker shares the desire to “watch the world burn” with Heath Ledger’s Joker from The Dark Knight. For example, after making what seems to be a bargain with Common’s character in Suicide Squad, the Joker just…kills him. It’s a moment that confused many fans, but to others, it was perfectly in line with his character. Though Leto’s time as the character is over (maybe?), we expect we’ll get the same Chaotic evil from Joaquin Phoenix. Thankfully, without the tattoo.

For which other DCEU characters do you have the perfect moral alignment? Do you disagree with any we put on this list? Let us know in the comments section below!

Next: Every DCEU Movie Ranked From Worst To Best (Including Aquaman)