Fear The Walking Dead is a fast-paced and exciting prequel to AMC’s hit show The Walking Dead. Each character is so unique and interesting. Here’s what we think their D&D alignments would be like.

It is undeniable that Fear The Walking Dead is a huge hit around the world. The actors are all successful and maintain their high standard of performing throughout, which makes this show 100% worth a watch. What makes this show interesting is the humanity (or lack thereof) that each character possesses and due to the variety of characters being portrayed it is easy to relate to at least one. Here are their personalities narrowed down into their D&D alignments.

Madison Clark: Neutral Good

A neutral good character is the best alignment you can be. It means doing the best a good person can do, without bias for or against law and order. They are devoted to helping others.

She is consistently helping and aiding others. Quick to adapt to the new world and highly domineering, Madison will protect her family as much as she can, even sacrificing herself in a flashback in season 4 just so she can save the lives of her group. It is notable that unlike many other characters, Madison has no higher power she bows down to, she doesn’t take anything from anyone; as well as making sure that no one is higher or lower than her in power and status.

Nick Clark: Chaotic Neutral

A chaotic neutral character is someone who follows their own heart and denies laws and rules. It is ultimately their freedom that comes first, good and evil come second in any decision they make when it comes to being free.

There are many characters in this list that are debatable as many change alignment as the story progresses but Nick is not one of them. As a stereotypical teenager, Nick is independent and only ever thinks about himself, with a few exceptions. One notable reason why he is a chaotic neutral is due to his alliances with clearly evil characters, he often finds himself bonding more with those alignments rather than anyone else.

Alicia Clark: Neutral

A true neutral character is one concerned with both their well-being and that of their group. They behave kindly to those who are kind to them but will act maliciously against those who wrong them.

Alicia’s alignment was challenging. On one side she is rebellious like her brother, thinking of herself a lot. On the other side, she is kind, previously a volunteer nurse and she aids the group whenever she can. However, Alicia is in it for herself, in her own life and not much of a team player. Alicia is rather self-absorbed and still naive. It’s important to note that she differs from her brother, Nick, in the sense that she doesn’t actively cause problems just for a little chaos.

Morgan Jones: Lawful Good/ Neutral Evil

It’s hard to put a single alignment on such a wonderful and complex character who has been through so much. Morgan is one of the most loved characters throughout both The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead so when he joins the show in season 4 and 5 it only makes the show ten times more enjoyable.

Morgan begins as a lawful good character and he acts how you would expect a good person to act, protecting his family as much as he can, fighting evil relentlessly when he has to. However, when his son dies it’s hard to watch such a beloved character slip into neutral evil. Unlike many evil characters, Morgan doesn’t do this on purpose, more allowing his anger to take control. Although Morgan is not self-serving like a typical neutral evil, on many occasions he has his own agenda and doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. As long as he completes his task.

Travis Manawa: Neutral Good

Travis gave Chris his lawful upbringing meaning that he believes in living as a good person, following and upholding the law. Interestingly Travis is much like Madison in his team thinking and believes no one is higher or lower than him. However, there are many times where he is happy to put his party at risk to save his family, a selfless but rather dangerous act. No matter how understandable. What is great about Travis’ character is that even after his son died he forgave and stood up for Chris’s actions at any time where they were questioned. A trait that awards him the good alignment.

Chris Manawa: Lawful Good

Although he didn’t make it past season 2 this was a well rounded and developed character that deserves a mention. It’s hard to explore the lawful good alignment in a universe without law, but if there was one he’d be upholding it.

Thanks to his father’s upbringing Chris undeniably has good morals and is a kind-hearted person on the inside, no matter how angry he gets. However, you can’t blame him after watching his mother die in front of him. Ultimately, Chris is a good person, fighting evil and protecting his family and his group until the end.

Alex: Lawful Good/ Neutral Evil

It’s her betrayal and the death of a loved one that causes Alex’s alignment to slip. She is filled with resentment and hatred for the group that cut her away from the boat in season 2, killing Jake.

Alex begins as lawful good, helping anyone in need when the plane crashes and saving Jake. However, its when we see her in season 2 that we see her evolved colors. Alex is resentful of Victor Strand, and the entire party. It is understandable however as her experiences on the raft were anything but soothing, she was eventually forced to kill Jake through mercy, only making her hatred worse. It’s interesting that rather than sticking to her good side, she is happy to divulge locations of the party and request revenge on Travis as it was his idea to put them on the raft in the first place.

Victor Strand: Lawful Evil

A lawful evil character is someone who tries to impose their wishes on others without regard for their wishes. They believe in order but mostly so they can fulfill their agenda.

Victor Strand is one of the first somewhat evil characters we come across in the show. His ideas take president over anyone, causing many survivors to be quite literally cut away. Due to it being Victor’s boat it is clear to see where he gets his personality from as he feels like he is doing each of them a favor, but with his big-headedness and his survival of the fittest ideology, it makes him a force to be reckoned with. Although Victor cares for order it is clear in many episodes that he is more than willing to break any law just so he can get what he wants, the perfect lawful evil character.

Daniel Salazar: Neutral

Much like Alicia Clark, Daniel is undeniably good. However, it is simplistic to just assign him a good alignment due to his past. Daniel is labeled as a cautious but formidable man who was a secret agent for the CIA and Salvadoran Junta. Unfortunately, he cannot be labeled good after learning about his skill as a torturer and interrogator, using these techniques, albeit reluctantly, to get information out of necessity. Moreover, he has admitted to killing 100 people himself (with many others indirectly).

Griselda Salazar: Lawful Good

Griselda is what Daniel would have been without his past. Although she didn’t last past the second season she was kind and deeply religious. Griselda upholds the law and would do anything to protect her family, even die for them, something that makes her ultimately good. It was a shame that she didn’t get more of a part in the tv show but it showed the group around her that even in the wake of a ferocious apocalypse, there is always a chance to uphold your morals and stay good.