Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled features more than 30 tracks, nearly all of which feature complex shortcuts. A full HD remake of the 1999 kart racer by Naughty Dog, Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled includes all eighteen tracks from the original game, as well as 13 tracks from the lesser-known PlayStation 2 sequel, Crash Nitro Kart. The Grand Prix DLC season adds a new track, Twilight Tour, bringing the grand total to 32 racetracks, not including the PS4-exclusive Retro Stadium, which is a reskin of the Turbo Track course from the original Crash Team Racing.

Nearly every track in Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled contains at least one shortcut, which can come in handy when racing online or trying to conquer the blisteringly difficult Time Trial mode; that mode tasks players with achieving nigh-perfect runs throughout Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled’s varied tracks.

Whether you’re looking to beat your best times, conquer the higher difficulties on Adventure Mode, gaining an edge for the cutthroat competition of online multiplayer, or just demolish friends in local split-screen, using shortcuts will certainly be helpful. Here’s every shortcut in Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled.

Slide Coliseum Shortcut

While Slide Coliseum doesn’t have any distinct, dedicated shortcuts, it does feature corners which can be cut by using the track’s border as a makeshift ramp to leap over obstacles without having to drive through grass, which would greatly reduce a kart’s speed. There are several corners which can be cut this way on Slide Coliseum.

Coco Park Shortcut

Coco Park is generally considered to be the easiest track in the game, so it’s ironic that it contains one of the most difficult shortcuts in Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled. Early on in the track, the first big left turn can be ignored by cutting through the grass and driving through a hidden path between two large bushes. It can be hard to see without knowing of its presence, so it would be helpful to test this one in a solo race before trying to apply it online or while gunning for a Time Trial. Not only that, but this shortcut entails driving through grass. So without a Turbo or Mask pickup, players will require absolute mastery of boosting to get any real mileage from this shortcut.

Crash Cove Shortcut

The Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled shortcut on this track is hidden in plain sight. Early on, right after the ramp with two Wumpa crates in front of the small pond, is a seemingly-inaccessible portion of the track. However, with enough speed, players can use the edge of the pool as a ramp to jump to the outcropping above. Later on in the stage, there’s a shipwreck adorning the right side of the track, which looks appealing, but skip it. Taking this supposed shortcut, even with the boost gained by jumping off the structure, actually takes longer than going straight through the track.

Mystery Caves Shortcut

After the first pair of turtles, there’s a muddy path to the left of the main track. You need a lot of speed to actually save time on this shortcut, since the mud makes cars slow down like grass or snow.

Sewer Speedway Shortcut

This course features another infamously difficult shortcut, though it is comparatively easier in this remake than it was in the 1999 original. Early on in the track, after going through the tubes with dark red lighting, players will enter a part of the track resembling a skateboarding half-pipe. On the right side of the wall is a big hole through which karts can drive if they jump off the half-pipe at the last possible second. Without a reserve of boost (gained by maintaining powerslide drift boosts over a period of time, an essential technique in Crash Team Racing), it’s almost impossible to take this shortcut reliably, but practice makes perfect! It’s risky but one of the most efficient Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled shortcuts, and it can easily turn the tide of a race.

Roo’s Tubes Shortcut

At the very end of this track, when taking the final boost jump pad, instead of going straight on, hang a mild left through the muddy path. With sufficient boost reserves and drifting prowess, this shortcut is perfect for photo-finish surprise victories.

Tiger Temple Shortcut

After the first section with the fire-spitting statues, there will be a gold-colored wall on the left. Hitting with any type of offensive weapon (even going full-tilt with a Mask will suffice) causes the wall to raise, exposing a shortcut filled with Wumpa crates. During Time Trials, the wall is automatically raised, since there are no weapons in this mode.

Papu’s Pyramid Shortcut

One of Crash Team Racing’s most iconic tracks, Papu’s Pyramid contains three shortcuts. First, after ascending the pyramid with its tricky 90 degree turns and dealing with the first piranha plants, err, Venus Fly Traps, you will approach a sharp right turn. Instead of turning, go straight ahead through the conspicuous gap in the wall. With enough speed and a well-timed jump, karts will land on a platform and then onto the track below. This platform, by the way, is the perfect place to drop a TNT crate or Beaker to surprise opponents.

Immediately after taking this shortcut, on the left is a platform lined with Wumpa fruit. It’s relatively easy to jump to this platform, compared to similar jumps in the game, and leads to a pair of large jumps; first onto a part of the track with a Wumpa crate, and second, onto the normal track. Be careful with that second drop, though, since it’s guarded by a hungry Venus Fly Trap.

The final shortcut in Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled’s Papu’s Pyramid comes shortly thereafter, during the part of the track with a big jump just before a series of turns leading to the finish line. Instead of following the track forward, keen drivers can use the jump to sharply turn and perform a mid-air U-turn. It’s tricky, but one of the most important techniques in the game. Normally, hitting the brake to reduce speed causes boost reserves to immediately deplete. However, this does not apply while in the air. Additionally, holding the brake and the analog stick or D-pad down and to the side will cause karts to perform unnaturally tight turns. Mastery of this air-brake technique is required to take advantage of this shortcut, as well as several others in the game.

Blizzard Bluff Shortcut

Blizzard Bluff is home to one of the hardest shortcuts in the game, as well as one of the easiest. The easiest one appears right at the very start, a little passage to the left of the starting line which bypasses the first turn in the course, though at the expense of having to travel through speed-reducing snow. This shortcut is best attempted during the second lap, since players will actually lose time on it without proper boost reserves.

The second shortcut appears on the frozen lake in front of the wooden shack. Instead of heading towards the shack, hang a sharp left and jump over the lake. Of course, this is easier said than done, and most players will have to use a Turbo pickup to even have a chance to clear this gap, though truly skilled drivers will be able to make the jump with drift boosting and precise jump timing.

Finally, the last shortcut appears almost immediately after, with two wooden fences that can be hopped over. However, they’re surrounded by snow, and are arguably as difficult as the previous shortcut. There is a comparatively easy way to make both this shortcut and the previous one, though: having ten Wumpa fruit enhances equipped items, and using a Mask before crossing the lake makes that shortcut significantly less difficult, and the Mask’s effect lasts more than long enough to aid leaping over the wooden fence.

Polar Pass Shortcut

Polar Pass contains another shortcut which is considerably easier in Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled than it was in the original Crash Team Racing game. During the straightaway section midway through the track, players will encounter two seals in front of a wall adorned with a yellow sign instructing racers to perform a 90 degree right-turn. Ignore the instructions and go straight through and over the wall, using the hill after the seals as a makeshift ramp. Using the air-brake technique discussed earlier, hang a hard left and land right on the jump pad to save even more time after the initial leap.

Dragon Mines Shortcut

A particularly tricky shortcut lies in Dragon Mines. See the minecart that crosses the track just before the wide open pit with the wooden bridge? Instead of going straight through the track, perform a sharp right and follow the minecart tracks, then jump to the left to return to the track at the top of the wooden bridge section, using the air-brake to avoid flying off the side. Be careful, though; getting pancaked by a passing minecart could make this shortcut more trouble than it’s worth.

Cortex Castle Shortcut

Cortex Castle contains a large pit section with a series of 90 degree turns going upward, all leading to a massive boost jump pad. Just before entering the pit section, players who make a hard left turn can use a ramp to completely bypass the two 90 degree turns. This ramp requires a lot of speed, though it’s one of the easier shortcuts to practice if you’re having trouble capitalizing on on the big air potential brought about by efficient drift boosting.

Hot Air Skyway Shortcut

Arguably the best track in Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled, Hot Air Skyway contains a pair of shortcuts. The first comes early in the track, with the first big jump boost pad. Instead of going straight, veer a bit to the right. This shortcut doesn’t save much time, though it does make it easier to maintain the blue flame (known to the fandom as Ultimate Sacred Fire), which is key to achieving top times on several tracks.

The second shortcut is another air-brake U-turn, like the final shortcut in Papu’s Pyramid. Near the end of the race, immediately after the final boost jump pad, players will come upon a U-turn. However, by using the track itself as a ramp (similar to the jump in Polar Pass), and then pulling a sharp turn in the air, skilled racers can leap above the barrier and land on the other side without losing any speed, and perhaps pull a last-second upset against their foes. Be careful, though; it’s easy to accidentally fall off the side of the track after landing, so be sure to practice this one before attempting it for real.

Inferno Island Shortcut

In the original Crash Nitro Kart for PlayStation 2, Inferno Island was essentially a remake of Crash Cove. While its layout in Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled is essentially unchanged from the original, it’s been given a fresh coat of paint, complete with an aesthetic change to nighttime, resulting in a fresh take on the course. Inferno Island’s shortcut can be found at the start of the track. Just in front of the giant stone gorilla head, take a left and jump from the tiny ramp to the elevated ledge.

Jungle Boogie Shortcut

This Papu-themed course features two shortcuts. The first can be found at the start; the track begins with a series of giant stone steps, but to the right lies a conspicuous outcropping. To reach it and save a couple of seconds, take the first step down and then jump to the platform, which is essentially a tighter version of the turn featured in the regular track down below.

Shortly afterwards, during the section with the wooden bridges, it’s possible to jump to a parallel path on the left. With enough speed, it’s not difficult. However, in online races, multiplayer opponents are key to litter the path with TNT crates and Beakers. So it can be risky to take this path, especially on later laps.

Tiny Temple Shortcut

Following the part of the stage with the exposed electrical wiring, racers will drive across a stone path with no barriers over a bottomless pit. Rather than going straight through the track, players can make a left turn and then jump to a platform containing a jump boost pad. This pad is perfect for dropping TNT which is almost impossible for subsequent racers to avoid.

Meteor Gorge Shortcut

Meteor Gorge contains one of the most satisfying Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled shortcuts. Late in the track, there is a gap similar to the first shortcut in Papu’s Pyramid. Late in the track there is a conspicuous boost pad on the ground, underneath a giant arrow sign pointing to the right, which appears to lead towards a sharp turn. It’s not intended to be used to proceed straight down the track, but rather to gain enough speed to fly across the lava pit and land on a small platform and then return to the track on the other side. Once again, the small platform is a perfect place to lay a trap for other drivers.

Barin Ruins Shortcut

At the very end of this track, the final turn can be skipped by jumping over the bricks and landing in a narrow passage, which provides a straight shot to the finish line. However, it’s a deceptively difficult jump, requiring a lot of speed and precision to nail. The slightest miscalculation will lead to your driver receiving a face full of brick wall.

Deep Sea Driving Shortcut

This high-octane track is full of jump boost pads which bestow that precious blue fire. At one point, there are a slew of jump pads within a short period, and the final one hides a shortcut. Upon flying off the fourth and final jump boost pad, instead of going straight, veer off to the right (not dissimilar to the shortcut in Hot Air Skyway) and land on the path at a more advantageous position.

Out of Time Shortcut

Out of Time has three shortcuts, all of which involve daring jumps. Right at the start of the race, the first corner can be skipped if the ramp on the right is raised. Hitting the exclamation point box switches the ramp from left to right and back again. If the ramp on the right is up, racers who veer to the right while in the air can slide through the rocky path without losing speed.

Shortly after, a fence can be hopped over with enough speed, providing an incredibly generous shortcut. The ramp is fairly well hidden compared to other subtle jumps in the game, but it’s worth learning and is essential to this track.

Equally essential is the final shortcut, which is relatively easy, though it does require a bit of speed to avoid falling into the bottomless pit. After the indoor segment of the track, take a left after leaping off the big jump boost pad; this bypasses a significant portion of the track.

Clockwork Wumpa Shortcut

Clockwork Wumpa contains two obvious, but tricky, shortcuts. Early on, instead of making a 90-degree left turn, go straight through and race across the spinning gears, leaping from one to another. It’s a tiny bit difficult on a first attempt, but racing across the moving gears quickly becomes second nature with just a bit of practice.

A bit later in the track, an obvious shortcut presents itself, in which players can jump to an elevated path by getting enough speed off of a wooden ramp. It doesn’t save that much time compared to other shortcuts, but it’s still worth pursuing.

Assembly Lane Shortcut

Assembly Lane is a mixed bag with regards to its assortment of shortcuts. The first shortcut is one of the most difficult in Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled. Early in the race, a long, tight turn can be skipped by jumping over the wall. This leap requires a lot of speed and a lot of practice in order to nail reliably, but it’s worth it in the long run. The second shortcut isn’t worth pursuing. It may be tempting to try to leap to the conveyor belt with the pounding metal machines, but it’s actually slower than following the track properly, since it’s nearly impossible to drift boost without getting crushed flat. Stick to the regular road for this one.

Finally, the last shortcut in the race appears in the end, just before the big drop to the end of the race. After the boost pads, eagle-eyed players can see a hole in the fence to the left. It’s easy to jump to the factory building and then back to the main track, though this shortcut is almost inconsequential in its effect on lap times. Still, in an online race, every microsecond counts.

Android Alley Shortcut

The only shortcut in Android Alley is easy, but effective. Just before the section with the street cleaning robots, players will encounter a large window adorned with a sign to go around and a series of 90 degree turns. Instead of going around, however, players should just jump through the window, shattering the glass and bypassing the corners entirely.

Hyper Spaceway Shortcut

Hyper Speedway contains what is easily the most difficult shortcut in Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled. After jumping through the first warp portal, instead of following the track and turning right, take a left instead, and make a leap of faith off the side onto the shortcut below. Here, players can either go straight through, content with their ingenuity, or go for the real prize!

To truly prove your mastery at Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled, take a right upon landing on the first shortcut, and follow the road to another shortcut, a giant leap to the track below. With enough speed, skill, and perhaps a bit of luck, you’ll return to the course way ahead of any and all competition!

Twilight Tour Shortcut

Introduced with the Grand Prix DLC season, Twilight Tour features a selection of nifty shortcuts. The first one is obvious - a small jump to a platform on the left immediately following the start of the race.

The second shortcut comes with the second jump boost pad. Instead of going straight, make a left and cut through the building. Now only does this save time, it also helps set up the tricky jump to the super turbo pad located on top of the large platform in the middle of the hallway, seen in the photo below.

Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled isn’t just a Mario Kart clone; its unique drift mechanics and high skill ceiling offer a new experience for gamers looking who seek a different type of kart racer. Knowledge of these shortcuts is just the beginning; it takes practice, patience, and intimate knowledge of the game’s mechanics to truly succeed and conquer Crash Team Racing’s relentless challenges.

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