Web Summit is an annual conference that is considered to be one of the biggest tech events in the world. This year, Web Summit 2021 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal starting November 1 – and one of the guests is none other than Apple’s senior vice president of software engineering Craig Federighi.

According to the event schedule, Federighi will speak about “user privacy and product security” on Wednesday, November 3. Unfortunately, there are no additional details about what to expect from this “Apple Keynote,” as the Web Summit 2021 website calls it.

The event, as you might guess, leads to discussions about what to expect in the future of technology.

More details about Web Summit 2021 can be found on the official conference website.

At a time of great uncertainty for many industries and, indeed, the world itself, we gather the founders and CEOs of technology companies, fast-growing startups, policymakers, and heads of state to ask a simple question: Where to next?

H/T: iFeed.PT