Chris Evans wished his fellow MCU actor Chris Pratt a happy birthday, while trolling him in the process. Two of the three famous MCU Chrises (the third one is Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor), Evans and Pratt play Captain America and Star-Lord, respectively, in the famed superhero franchise. But despite appearing in the same film series, the two Marvel heroes have yet to cross paths. Avengers: Infinity War saw the two fought Thanos separately - the former in Wakanda, while the latter in Titan alongside Tony Stark/Iron Man.

With Pratt’s Star-Lord currently a pile of dust following Thanos’ deadly snap, it’s uncertain whether the pair will ever fight side-by-side in the MCU. Since Avengers 4 is likely to resurrect most of the dead MCU heroes through some means, there’s a chance yet that Steve Rogers and Peter Jason Quill will share the screen one day. Regardless of whether that happens or not, the two actors recently had a funny exchange in light of the Guardians of the Galaxy star’s birthday.

Taking to his official Twitter account, Evans sent a birthday greeting to Pratt, but aside from the standard message, he infused some of his humor into the post, including a photo of his beloved rescue dog, Dodger, peeing at a water hydrant that looks like Star-Lord. Making the image funnier is the sign that says “PROPERTY OF STAR-LORD Dogs beware!” Check out the post below:

Pratt eventually replied to the humorous birthday greeting by tweeting back and saying that Evans and his dog will soon hear from his lawyer. Sadly, Evans still hasn’t replied to his buddy’s sarcastic threat. See Pratt’s post below:

Fans have also quickly jumped on the conversation by replying with all kinds of memes with regard to Cap, Star-Lord and the pair’s off-screen relationship. A few years back, the two got into a bet with regard to the Super Bowl match between New England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks. Evans, who’s a huge fan of Tom Brady and the Patriots, got into a friendly competition, indicating that whoever loses will have to dress up as his Marvel character and visit a charity of the winner’s choosing. In the end, Evans emerged as the winner, so Pratt dressed up as Star-Lord to visit Christopher’s Haven, a Boston-based charity for families of child cancer patients. Despite the outcome, Evans eventually put on his super soldier suit and visited Seattle Children’s hospital anyway.

Since Evans mostly skipped the press tour for Avengers: Infinity War, fans didn’t get any funny banter between him and Pratt. Perhaps the two can be teamed-up to promote next year’s Avengers 4 alongside Chris Hemsworth, as a triple Chris treat for loyal Marvel fans.

MORE: Ant-Man & The Wasp May Be Set Closer to Infinity War

Source: Chris Evans, Chris Pratt

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