Henry Cavill reveals he would have done something different with his facial hair in Mission: Impossible - Fallout if he knew about the Justice League reshoots beforehand. As many know by now, the actor grew a rather infamous mustache for his role in Christopher McQuarrie’s action sequel, which was in the midst of principal photography when Justice League was getting revamped under the watch of Joss Whedon. Cavill, of course, was required to do additional filming as Superman, but was unable to shave the mustache due to his contract with Paramount.

Warner Bros. opted to digitally remove the facial hair in post, which led to Cavill having a strange-looking upper lip during most of his scenes in Justice League. McQuarrie is adamant the Mission: Impossible team did everything they could to aid WB with Justice League, but people still find it difficult to believe a simple mustache could cause so much trouble for a tentpole movie. Looking back on the situation, Cavill seems to wish it all could have turned out another way.

In an interview with Square Mile, Cavill discussed his problematic facial hair, arguably expressing regret over his decision:

Based on Cavill’s comments, it appears there was some miscommunication and WB was not upfront about when they needed the actor back on the Justice League set for reshoots. Since he hadn’t heard anything (until much later, apparently), Cavill most likely figured his role was wrapped and he could concentrate fully on Fallout. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case, and Justice League suffered as a result. If the studio contacted Cavill earlier in the process, they may have been able to avoid this mess. Given that Cavill had the leeway to make a “different choice” for his M:I character, it sounds as if the mustache was a stylistic decision, rather than a story requirement. But once the look was locked in, it had to stay.

“Had I known the Justice League reshoots were coming I’d have probably made a different choice.”

Justice League ended its run as the lowest-grossing DCEU effort to date, but “Mustache-Gate” seems to have paid off in a big way for Paramount. Fallout is currently earning raves across the board for its thrilling action and story, and Cavill has received much praise for his performance. From their perspective, all of the hullabaloo around the facial hair was worth it, and audiences are likely to agree - seeing that Fallout is projected to score big at the box office. As we near the end of this bizarre saga, it’s nice to see moviegoers got one great film out of everything.

MORE: Justice League Also CGI’d Henry Cavill’s Hands

Source: Square Mile

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