Here’s why Netflix’s Castlevania season 2 hid a wall chicken easter egg into one episode. Castlevania is based on the long-running video game franchise, which sees different generations of the Belmont clan periodically storming Dracula’s castle when it reappears. They have to fight their way through any number of unholy creatures with the Vampire Killer whip until they face off with Dracula himself. The franchise’s mix of action, platforming, and cool monsters have ensured it’s longevity.

There was once a plan to make a Castlevania live-action movie with Paul W.S. Anderson and James Wan (Aquaman) both attached to direct at different stages. The Castlevania series on Netflix originally started life as a feature-length anime that was trapped in development for years. The first season - comprised of only four episodes - received praise for its lush animation and surprisingly strong script and voice acting. Fans had come to expect the worst from video game adaptations but Castlevania did a great job with the source material. The second season arrived in 2018 and also received solid reviews, while Castlevania season 3 is currently in production.

Both seasons of Netflix’s Castlevania are loaded with little easter eggs and references to the game, including an epic season 2 fight scene set to the franchise’s famous “Bloody Tears” theme. One nod to the games that is very easy to miss is a moment in season 2 where there’s a chicken hidden in a wall. This is a direct reference to players finding health replenishing wall chickens hidden throughout the castle in the games.

In addition to proving the makers of Castlevania are huge fans of the game series, it pokes fun at this unique videogame trope. The logic behind the wall chicken - or any other kind of hidden piece of meat - could only work in a game, but it’s nice to the series paying homage to its roots. That said, the show has yet to depict the main characters whipping candles and receiving hearts in return, though it’s kind of hard to see how that could be organically incorporated into the story.

The Castlevania series has done an excellent job so far of fleshing out the characters and world while incorporating elements of the games, like platforming and the use of magic powers. It will be interesting to see where the next season takes the story, following the supposed death of Dracula himself. Of course, the vampire has died many, many, different times in the games only to return for the next entry, but it appears he won’t be the main threat of the next season. Season 3 could also explore the origins of the wall chicken, though this feels less likely.

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Source: @nickwapp