Carrot Weather has launched a new update today. The release brings a new Daily widget design, updated server-side maps, new secret locations, and a range of bug fixes.

Carrot Weather got its major 5.7 update in June with a new layout style grouping weather forecasts into easily consumable cards, a handy dual-pane radar option to compare map views, enhanced storm tracking features, new secret locations, and more.

Now the popular weather app is gaining a few more features, new secret locations, and lots of bug squashing with version 5.7.1 available today.

The main new feature is a fresh Daily widget chart design:

Other changes include improved customization for the Today section, 2 new secret locations, high scores syncing between devices, improved detail on server-rendered maps, and much more.

Switch to the new Daily widget chart design by adding a data point in the first slot.

— CARROT (@CARROT_app) July 8, 2022

Carrot Weather is available on the App Store as a free download for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. Premium, Ultra, and Family subscriptions are available as in-app purchases to unlock all of the app’s features.

Carrot Weather 5.7.1 full release notes:


  • The Daily widget now displays as a chart if the first data point slot is set to something other than “none”.
  • Added wind gusts data point option for the Daily widget.


  • Added option to show the date in the Daily section (available for every style except vertical chart).
  • Added “plain” and “chart” styles for the Today section.

Fun Stuff

  • Added 2 new secret locations.
  • New secret locations now become available at midnight instead of 24 hours after completing the last one.
  • High scores now sync between devices. Additionally, data downloaded from widgets will now count towards your high scores.
  • Broken forecast streaks will now be restored automatically if you check into the app for another 7 straight days.


  • Improved level of detail on server-rendered maps (used in map section on Weather tab, Home Screen widget, and Apple Watch app).
  • Improved timeliness of Home Screen widget and Apple Watch temperature updates.
  • Improved error messages throughout the app.
  • Improved colors when high contrast mode is enabled.

Bug Fixes

Customization Issues

  • Fixed themes being unselectable in some cases.
  • Fixed theme changes not updating card background colors when using the Card layout style.
  • Fixed Weather tab getting scrolled to the very bottom on some devices using the Card layout after refreshing data.
  • Fixed inline hourly details in the Current Observations section being misaligned when using the Card layout.
  • Fixed Daily horizontal stack not being inset correctly when using the Card style.
  • Fixed summaries going missing from Title + Summary headers when automatically switching between smart layouts.
  • Fixed Card layout not scrolling to top when performing a data source quick switch.
  • Fixed some rendering issues in the Layout Gallery.

Weather Maps

  • Fixed not being able to move the map around when the sidebar is hidden on iPad.
  • Fixed storm cell time labels rendering upside down if the cell is moving towards the south.
  • Fixed storm cell path rendering issue.
  • Fixed map markers that are near UI not moving the map to prevent the marker callout from appearing behind the UI.
  • Fixed radar layer sometimes disappearing after an automatic change between light and dark modes.
  • Fixed crash with storm cells when viewing individual radar stations.
  • Fixed crash on iPad when opening storm cell details.
  • Fixed crash with alerts screen when certain rarely-used alerts are currently active.

Miscellaneous Issues

  • Fixed weather alerts not appearing in some cases if the user is right near the border of a county.
  • Fixed lightning strike notifications using the wrong distance units for some users.
  • Fixed several areas in the app where moon phase icons were not flipped in locations south of the equator.
  • Fixed crash when searching for a new location.
  • Fixed crash when editing locations.