Star Trek star William Shatner revealed he was once asked to autograph a Star Wars photo of Leia in her slave costume by none other than Carrie Fisher. What would normally be considered a faux pas amongst devoted fans and cast members, this reveal comes with a whole different set of revelations and hilarity. While the late actress passed away in December 2016, with this latest amusing tidbit about the vivacious star, her legacy continues to live on amongst fans thanks to the captain of the Enterprise.

Shatner made a name for himself playing the iconic role of Captain Kirk in the 1960s television series Star Trek. His unforgettable performance has been revered by fans and re-enacted within various forms of media throughout the years. He has become one of the primary faces within the franchise, and a symbol to “boldly go where no one has gone before.” Yet, where Shatner represents the Trekies, Fisher is arguably his equivalent, representing a “galaxy, far, far away” since she portrayed the iconic role of Princess Leia. Since the release of both Star Wars and Star Trek, fans have maintained a polarizing debate about which is the better sci-fi/fantasy franchise. That’s what make this latest tidbit so interesting.

While responding to fan questions this past Sunday on Twitter ahead his Boise Wizard World Comic Con appearance, Shatner was asked if anyone had ever brought him Star Wars merchandise to sign. In response, William Shatner relayed the Fisher anecdote. However, though fans of both franchises flooded Shatner’s tweet with responses asking whether he obliged Fisher, he has yet to confirm that he did in fact sign the photo for her. See Shatner’s tweet below.

Fisher is not just remembered for her portrayal of Princess Leia, but also for her unique sense of humor she frequently displayed through her life, interviews and books. She found humor even when talking about the darker sides of life, and kept that sense of humor throughout fame and fortune. Shatner’s revelation of the Princess of Alderaan asking the captain of the Starship Enterprise to sign a photo of her iconic Star Wars costume exemplifies and reminds fans of the humor she imbued, keeping her memory alive.

Always a good sport with his status and devoted fan base, this latest address on Twitter may be a top fan moment in Shatner’s career. Shatner’s response is a moment of unity throughout the universe, bringing fans of both Star Trek and Star Wars together in one epic tweet. While fans were given this little tidbit, the mystery seems to remain about whether he signed the photo and the full story behind this epic merging of science fiction legends. One thing is for certain, though, fans are not likely to forget this story any time soon.

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Source: William Shatner/Twitter