The new trailer for Captain Marvel has released, revealing new secrets about the movie’s story. The House of Ideas has carefully staggered their trailer releases, with Captain Marvel getting her chance to shine ahead of the impending Avengers 4 trailer. This is essentially an origin story for Marvel’s latest superhero - albeit one handled very differently to the traditional origins. In this case, it looks as though the movie will see Carol discover her own backstory, with the viewers working it out in-step with the cosmic hero.

This second Captain Marvel trailer actually reuses, or recontextualizes, a lot of scenes from the first teaser. It’s surprisingly light on plot, although a lot of the details seem to confirm major theories. The most potent scenes, of course, are those in which Captain Marvel displays her power. Marvel’s Kevin Feige has said that Carol is “as powerful a character as we’ve ever put in a movie,” and he’s described her power levels as “off the charts.” Brie Larson herself has even quipped that her character can move planets. This trailer gives a first look at Captain Marvel operating at that kind of power-level, taking on the Binary form she wields in the comics.

So let’s take a deep-dive into the trailer, and explore just what it reveals about Carol Danvers’s MCU origin story. Little by little, the story of Captain Marvel is taking shape - and this offers some important clues.

38. The Skrulls Are Shapeshifters: Explaining The Old Lady Punching

The first trailer included an unforgettable scene in which Captain Marvel punched an old lady on one of the Los Angeles subway trains. It proved to be a surprisingly controversial scene, although Marvel lovers quickly explained that the elderly woman was probably a Skrull, an alien shapeshifter. That’s now been confirmed, with an extended action sequence in which the helpless old woman fights back - even managing to knock Carol off her feet. A voice-over from Samuel L. Jackson tells viewers all they really need to know; “So, Skrulls are the bad guys,” he observes, clearly trying to get his head around the cosmic infodump he’s likely just received. Notice the growl Carol’s opponent gives after she’s been struck; there’s a sinister, almost reptilian, sound to it. That fits perfectly with the design and aesthetic of the Skrulls.

37. The Kree: A Race Of Noble Warrior Heroes (For Now)

What follows is dialogue presumably from early on in the film, with Captain Marvel giving Nick Fury the lowdown on the Kree and the Skrulls. At this point, she genuinely believes that the Kree are exactly what she says here - “noble warrior heroes.” Of course, the trailer will go on to strongly imply that Carol has been deceived, and by the end of the movie she’ll be battling the Kree as well as the Skrulls.

36. The Kree Starforce

This is another look at the Kree Starforce. They’re an elite group of warriors assembled by Jude Law’s as-yet-unidentified commander, and all characters who are traditionally enemies of Carol Danvers in the comics. They include Djimon Hounsou’s Korath the Pursuer, Algenis Perez Soto’s Att-Lass, Rune Temte’s Bron Char, and Gemma Chan’s Minn-Erva. None of them are A-list villains, with Minn-Erva probably the best known; she’s a Kree geneticist with no qualms about experimenting upon “lesser races” such as humans. It’s still possible Minn-Erva was involved in the experiments on Carol.

35. Korath

Djimon Hounsou is reprising the role of Korath the Pursuer in Captain Marvel, a character introduced as one of Ronan’s allies in Guardians of the Galaxy. It seems that, back in the ’90s, he was a member of the Starforce. What’s uncertain, though, is whether or not Korath was already working for Thanos as one of his agents. The recent tie-in novel Thanos: Titan Consumed suggested that Thanos attempted to broker an alliance with the warlike Kree shortly after learning about the Infinity Stones; Korath has often been tied to Thanos, so it’s entirely possible he was on loan to the Starforce. It will be interesting to see if Thanos is mentioned.

34. Captain Marvel’s Origin Story

“Your life began the day it nearly ended,” a voice-over begins, as the Captain Marvel trailer reveals just how Carol Danvers wound up a member of the Kree race. It seems US Air Force pilot was caught up in a devastating crash, and was left collapsed on the ground, her body irradiated with as-yet-unknown energy. She was then approached by an unknown figure, clearly intended to be one of the Kree. The trailer sets elements of this crash up as a major mystery, and it’s hardly a coincidence that the identity of the Kree who discovers Carol - most likely Jude Law’s character - is obscured.

33. Carol Danvers Has Blue Blood?

One noteworthy part of Captain Marvel’s origin in the new trailer is a shot of her bleeding blue, Kree blood shortly after the explosion. This may just be from the impact of the Kree bomb, although given the later discussion of experimentation opens up another interesting possibility.

The comics have recently rewritten Captain Marvel’s origin to reveal that she was born a human-Kree hybrid, and that her powers were activated when she was irradiated with Kree energy - rather than originating in that explosion. It’s possible the film is taking a similar approach. More likely, though, this is a hint to viewers that the flashbacks shouldn’t be assumed to be accurate. After all, Carol’s memories are fragmented, and believed to be being manipulated. This may indicate the confusion in her mind.

Page 2 of 6: The Kree Homeworld & Carol’s DNA Upgrade In The Captain Marvel Trailer

32. Hala

This trailer includes a lot more footage of the Kree homeworld of Hala. The architecture is fascinating; note the strange, blocky building style, which dovetails perfectly with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 2’s hidden Kree city. There’d been previous speculation that the planet would only be explored through flashbacks, but that doesn’t look to be the case; it really does seem as though the film will genuinely explore the Kree capital.

There are a number of shots of the dusty orange world from orbit, including several that show it being approached by Kree ships. Hala appears to be quite a busy spaceport, which makes sense given it’s the center of the Kree Empire.

31. The Supreme Intelligence

This appears to be some sort of Kree Memory Chamber, and that’s pretty interesting. Firstly, it indicates that the Kree do indeed possess the power to store - and thus presumably manipulate - memories. That’s significant, as it supports the popular theory that the Kree are responsible for Captain Marvel’s amnesia. Secondly, this may be the MCU equivalent of the Kree’s Supreme Intelligence, a being created by uploading the minds of their greatest thinkers. In the comics, the Supreme Intelligence is actually the ruler of the Kree, guiding the race’s development. One of its key concerns is ensuring the continued evolution of the race, who are stagnant in evolutionary terms. The Supreme Intelligence would thus be very interested indeed in a Kree hybrid.

30. Could Annette Bening Be Mar-Vell?

When Annette Bening was first cast in Captain Marvel, there were reports that she was playing Carol Danvers’ mom, Marie. This trailer reveals that isn’t the case; instead, she appears to be a Kree scientist or leader, the one who seems to be responsible for transforming Carol Danvers into a Kree warrior who calls herself simply “Vers”. Given Jude Law is believed to play the Kree villain Yon-Rogg, it’s possible Bening is actually a gender-swapped Mar-Vell (a role Law was rumored to be filling). In the comics, Mar-Vell was the Kree hero who first encountered Carol; she got drawn into Mar-Vell’s world, and was transformed when she was exposed to Kree energy.

29. The Explosion In More Detail

These flashbacks revisit Captain Marvel’s origin, and show that the crash evidently damaged something aboard the Kree ship - leading to a massive explosion. Carol Danvers’ body was irradiated with unknown energy, and she was transformed. A brief glimpse of the explosion was shown in the first Captain Marvel trailer, but this shows it in detail. The energy blast is undeniably reminiscent of a similar blowout in Ant-Man & the Wasp, so this could well be Quantum Realm energy.

28. Captain Marvel Lives Longer, Stronger & Superior

The Captain Marvel trailer neatly explains why Carol won’t have aged between the events of her solo movie and Avengers 4. “You could live longer, stronger… superior,” Bening’s character notes. It seems the Kree will decide to literally transform Carol into one of them, experimenting upon her on a genetic level. Here, you can see what could either be a blood transfusion - or, instead, the moment when Carol Danvers’ DNA is rewritten by alien science.

27. Vers in Starforce Mode

The Captain Marvel trailer then jumps to show Vers - as Carol is known on Hala, revealed by the Funko toys - serving as a member of the Starforce. The film is known to open with a Starforce mission to the world of Torfa, a misty world that has been infiltrated by a Skrull shapeshifter. It’s generally believed that a victory at Torfa gives the Kree intelligence that leads the Starforce to Earth. Notice that there’s a subtle difference between Captain Marvel’s energy effect here, and those later in the trailer - the blue flares around her hands aren’t quite so pronounced when she takes on her traditional red costume.

26. The Skrull Experiment Upon Captain Marvel

This image sees Captain Marvel subjected to unknown experiments, with some sort of energy flaring into her temples. This was seen in the first trailer, and was believed to be a Kree memory-modification device; the voice-over at this point seems to imply that’s true. Look closely, however, and it becomes clear that the voice-over is misleading; something else is going on here. There’s a Skrull stood next to Carol Danvers, not a Kree - which raises a lot of unexpected questions. Perhaps the Kree and the Skrulls worked together when experimenting upon Captain Marvel? In the comics, Kree renegades have worked with Skrulls on occasion to reignite the war between their races. Or perhaps this is a Skrull infiltrator, a spy who’s sneaked in to see what’s being done to the human; in one scene in the trailer, the Skrull leader Talos suggests he knows exactly what Captain Marvel really is, and that idea would explain his knowledge.

Alternatively, it’s also possible that Captain Marvel will wind up captured by the Skrulls at some point in the film, and that they’ll conduct their own experiments upon her. This machine closely resembles one Carol Danvers was subjected to in Uncanny X-Men #163, a device used to evolve her as a potential Brood host. In doing so, they unwittingly unlocked the power of Binary - a power-set displayed later on in the trailer. Perhaps this is a similar experiment, although it’s unclear why the Brood would be trying to enhance Captain Marvel’s powers.

Page 3 of 6: Captain Marvel’s Memories & Joining Nick Fury In The Captain Marvel Trailer

25. Vers’ Dreams

“I keep having these… memories,” Vers notes, and the Captain Marvel trailer cuts to flashbacks showing her remembering her life on Earth. It seems the Kree memory tampering hasn’t taken, and her mind is desperately attempting to restore itself. It’s likely she’s recalling key events from her past, albeit in a very disjointed fashion. We see several eras, including her as a young girl driving cars and as an adult flying planes…

24. Carol Danvers As A Pilot

Captain Marvel draws heavily upon Kelly Sue DeConnick’s iconic run, which focused in on Carol’s love of flying; the idea of being a fighter pilot was her childhood dream. This clip is actually the first hint of a chronology in Captain Marvel; the US Air Force only opened its ranks to female fighter pilots in 1993. Carol Danvers must have been among the first women to become pilots, and she can only have been with the Kree for a maximum of two years.

23. Maria Rambeau Aka Photon

The Captain Marvel trailer really stresses the sense of camaraderie between Carol Danvers and fellow pilot Maria “Photon” Rambeau,with the voiceover hinting their friendship could be “the key to all of this”. In the comics, Maria is the mother of Monica Rambeau, a superhero who’s variously taken up codenames such as “Spectrum” and “Photon.” The latter is Maria’s callsign, but at this point it’s unclear what that means for her, or her daughter.

Interestingly, given the ’90s setting, Rambeau too will have been a trailblazer in the US Air Force in terms of diversity; the first black flight officer in the US, Matice Wright, didn’t sign up until 1993. Rambeau must have joined up shortly after.

22. A Car Chase

The Captain Marvel trailer then jumps to a sequence presumably from early on in the film involving an action scene through L.A. Captain Marvel is chasing at least one Skrull, while she’s in turn being pursued by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Nick Fury. The placement suggests this leads to the fight on the subway train.

21. The Subway Fight Goes Underground

Although the scene of Vers on an L.A. train was shown in the first trailer, it’s given additional context here. It seems that the fight between Captain Marvel and the Skrull goes on to the roof of the subway - just before the train goes underground.

20. The S.H.I.E.L.D. Base

Previous images of Carol Danvers have shown her wearing a S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform, and the new Captain Marvel trailer explains why; she and Nick Fury infiltrate a S.H.I.E.L.D. base. This is clearly a major installation, possibly even S.H.I.E.L.D.’s main headquarters prior to construction of the Triskelion. Notice the distinctive profile of the Stealth Bomber. In the real world, that wasn’t constructed until 1997, so this is Marvel’s subtle way of reminding viewers that S.H.I.E.L.D. has always been ahead of the curve in terms of technology.

19. Carol Remembers How To Fly… A Quinjet!

This sequence suggests there’s a simple reason Fury took Captain Marvel into the S.H.I.E.L.D. base; to acquire some transport. Carol takes the stick of a S.H.I.E.L.D. Quinjet, much to Fury’s concern. “You know how to fly this thing,” he asks. It’s safe to assume that, by this point in the film, Captain Marvel has been experiencing flashbacks of her former life; fortunately, she now remembers enough to recall how to fly S.H.I.E.L.D.’s vehicle. The first trailer included a brief glimpse of a S.H.I.E.L.D. Quinjet heading out into space to rendezvous with a Kree vessel; that could be where Carol and Nick are going. It’s interesting to note that Captain Marvel’s power levels appear to change drastically over the course of the film; by the end of the trailer, she’s taking to space under her own power, and wouldn’t have any need for a Quinjet (although Fury would).

Page 4 of 6: The Skrulls’ Role & How Vers Got Her Name In The Captain Marvel Trailer

18. Talos Teases A Big Captain Marvel Reveal

Talos, the lead Skrull played by Ben Mendelsohn, teases a major reveal, offering Captain Marvel knowledge; “Would you like to know what you really are?” Captain Marvel is inspired by the Kree-Skrull War, a comic book event where Earth wound up caught in the crossfire between two warring alien empires. It’s important to note that, in the comics, neither the Kree nor the Skrulls were heroes; both were equally manipulative. Talos may well reveal that Carol has been an unwitting pawn of the Kree all this time, and that the Kree aren’t quite so noble as she believes.

17. Captain Marvel’s Retractable Helmet

Carol Danvers’ retractable helmet was a core part of Jamie McKelvie’s Captain Marvel design in the coics, and it’s exciting to see it reproduced so faithfully on the big screen. Where Carol Danvers had traditionally worn a sort of “superhero swimsuit” costume, McKelvie redesigned her to wear a suit that paid homage to her Air Force and military roots. He imagined the helmet as functional, allowing Carol to survive in space.

16. Skrulls Are Involved In Captain Marvel’s Origin

Captain Marvel’s MCU origin is gradually becoming clear. It looks as though her jet was shot down when she stumbled upon a battle between the Kree and the Skrulls. In this scene, the battered and bruised Carol Danvers is walking through the wreckage of these crashed vessels - and then finds herself confronted by an armed Skrull warrior. This is the first hint that the Skrulls themselves were part of Carol’s origin; perhaps the explosion she got caught up in was the result of a firefight between Kree and Skrull survivors. It’s important to remember, though, that Carol’s memories have been manipulated. If these are flashbacks, they could involve fabrications - explaining why numerous scenes show Carol with green blood.

15. Carol Danvers Learns Her Hidden Past

The previous Captain Marvel trailer had shown Nick Fury and Captain Marvel entering some sort of Air Force base, and this explains why; they’re looking up Carol Danvers’ personnel records. This will presumably be an important moment of self-discovery for the hero, and may well lead her to Maria Rambeau.

14. How Carol Danvers Crashed

Another key scene, a brief dogfight provides some context for Captain Marvel’s origin. It looks as though the US Air Force detected at least one UFO, and sent Carol Danvers to check it out. She was soon caught in a dogfight with at least one alien vessel. There’s likely a lot more to this part of the story; the presence of Skrulls at the crash site suggests Carol stumbled into a battle between Kree and Skrull starfighters.

13. The Dog Tags

Carol Danvers stumbles upon something solid here; a dog-tag bearing half her name. This subtly explains why the Kree call Carol “Vers” - it was the fragment of the dog-tag they took with them, so they treat that as her name. It’s possible this will be one of the most important clues in Carol’s quest to recover her past; she could well still possess the other half of the dog tag.

Page 5 of 6: Jude Law & Captain Marvel’s Villains

12. Jude Law - As Yon-Rogg?

When Jude Law was first announced for Captain Marvel, it was reported that he’d be playing the part of Mar-Vell. That’s seemed increasingly unlikely, though, and it’s now believed that he’s portraying the Kree villain Yon-Rogg. That certainly fits with the sinister vibe Law exudes in his scenes in this trailer. In one, he’s warning Captain Marvel that she isn’t as powerful as she thinks she is. There’s definitely a threatening undercurrent in that scene.

One popular theory is that Captain Marvel’s amnesia isn’t simply a product of the accident that gave her super-powers; rather, that Yon-Rogg has been deliberately manipulating Carol’s memories to ensure she will serve the Kree - and align herself to his will. If this is the case, Yon-Rogg is every bit as much the villain as Talos, leader of the Skrulls.

11. Captain Marvel Falls To Earth

One of the most conspicuous scenes in the Captain Marvel trailer shows the hero falling to Earth. Note that she’s in her red suit at this point, meaning this is probably part of the film’s third act. It comes immediately after Jude Law’s commander issues a disturbing warning, perhaps encouraging viewers to believe the Kree have shot Captain Marvel out of the sky.

10. Captain Marvel Fights The Kree

One brief scene in the Captain Marvel trailer shows Carol attacking what appears to be Kree soldiers, revealing a major change of allegiance. The hero appears to be in another Kree experimental chamber, and then drops to the ground, blasting Kree Centurions aside with a stunning radial blast. This is the first hint the trailer gives as to Captain Marvel’s true power-levels; until this point, she’s simply been seen projecting smaller energy blasts from her hands. It’s quite possible whatever has happened in this chamber has unlocked a depth of power that had previously been hidden. There’s something ferocious and barely controlled in this power surge.

9. Talos in Skrull (And Human) Form

This is Talos, Ben Mendelsohn’s character - and ostensibly Captain Marvel’s main villain. A recurring antagonist in the comics, Talos has even partnered with Kree extremists like Ronan the Accuser in order to provoke galactic war. It’s already been confirmed that he’s infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., and is Nick Fury’s supervisor; indeed, a few moments later the trailer sees Talos leading a S.H.I.E.L.D. team against Fury and Captain Marvel.

8. Ronan

The Captain Marvel trailer gives viewers another glimpse of Lee Pace’s Ronan the Accuser. This is something of an origin story for Ronan as well; at this point in time, he seems to be running the Kree Starforce alongside Jude Law’s mysterious commander. So far, he’s been portrayed as little more than an observer, standing by and watching as chaos unfolds. Interestingly, in the comics, Ronan was involved in a conspiracy to reignite the war between the Skrull and the Kree. He worked with both Yon-Rogg and Skrull agents; if the popular theory is right that Jude Law is playing Mar-Vell, a similar conspiracy could be in the works here.

7. Talos Leads S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents Against Fury And Captain Marvel

Along with leading the Skrulls, it’s been confirmed that Talos has successfully infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., and is currently playing the part of Nick Fury’s boss. In this scene, he leads a S.H.I.E.L.D. task-force - who may, of course, include more Skrulls - to apprehend Fury and Captain Marvel. Of course, as far as S.H.I.E.L.D. is concerned, he probably has a valid argument; after all, Fury has brought unauthorized personnel into the base. It looks as though Talos is attempting to stop the pair stealing the Quinjet.

Page 6 of 6: Captain Marvel Goes Binary & Takes On The Kree

6. Captain Marvel Won’t Fight The Kree-Skrull War

“I’m not gonna fight your war,” Carol Danvers tells an unseen being, “I’m gonna end it.” This is the moment when Captain Marvel rejects the Kree, and embraces a new destiny - as a peacekeeper, attempting to bring an end to the war between the Kree and the Skrulls. The background here appears to be the Supreme Intelligence, so it’s possible she’s addressing the Kree leader itself on Hala.

This moment may also hint at the solution to one of the greatest mysteries of Captain Marvel; where does the hero go after 1995? It’s possible she heads into space to fight to bring an end to all the Kree’s wars. If that’s the case, it’s possible the MCU has already tacitly acknowledged Captain Marvel’s significance; in Guardians of the Galaxy, set in 2014, the Kree have just entered into an historic peace treaty with Xandar. That may have been something to do with Carol Danvers.

5. More Carol Flashbacks Show New Memories

This second Captain Marvel trailer presents a number of flashbacks that will be very familiar to anyone who’s watched the first teaser. They establish Carol Danvers’ character in bold terms; she’s someone with a tremendous force of will, who will always get back on her feet. No doubt the Kree and the Skrulls will both come to regret that particular character trait. There are a few new shots here, including rising up from a bike accident, further establishing how she’s never knocked back.

4. Captain Marvel’s Binary Form

The trailer also provides an extended look at Captain Marvel’s Binary form - and it’s phenomenal. Marvel has done their best to pay respect to the original comics, even capturing the sense that Carol’s hair billows with cosmic power. In the comics, Carol goes Binary by drawing on the energy of a so-called “White Hole.” It’s possible that, in the MCU, she draws upon the power of the Quantum Realm, which has been confirmed to play a role in this film.

3. Carol Vs. Kree

By the end of the movie, Captain Marvel has made her choice; she won’t be the Kree’s weapon in this war any longer. Instead, she’s determined to bring an end to the ancient conflict between the Kree and the Skrulls - even if that means fighting both of them. This sequence shows the true power of Carol’s Binary form, revealing that she’s literally able to shoot spaceships out of the sky. The power-levels on display are on anything viewers have seen before in the MCU; Captain Marvel appears to be effortlessly propelling herself through space, tossing out devastating energy blasts with a phenomenal degree of accuracy. In terms of raw power, only Thor can compare to Captain Marvel - and frankly, he appears easily outclassed.

2. Goose The Flerken

One of the best scenes in the Captain Marvel trailer shows Nick Fury greeting Carol Danvers’ cat. While the pet is called “Chewie” in the comics, she’s been renamed for the Captain Marvel movie; the cat is called “Goose,” an entertaining Top Gun reference. Of course, comic book readers will be well aware that Goose may not be quite so cut as she seems. Back in 2014, Marvel revealed that she was actually the last of an alien race known as the Flerkens, whose bodies contain interdimensional portals and who have a reputation for being pretty feral.

Hilariously, the dialogue is actually straight from the Kelly Sue DeConnick Captain Marvel run - except in the comics, it was Carol herself who gushed over the cat like that. It’s more than a little amusing to see Nick Fury’s soft side, especially when he walks away promising to come back to Goose.

1. Captain Marvel In Space

The Captain Marvel trailer ends with a stunning shot of Carol Danvers rocketing into space, away from Earth. Notice that the space around Earth is empty, with no sign of enemy starfighters or capital ships. That raises the possibility this could be one of the final scenes in the film - with Carol leaving her true homeworld, and taking to the stars. The clip seems almost reminiscent of Star Trek, where the opening credits typically end with the latest starship taking to warp and vanishing in a flare of light. It’s the perfect way to end this cosmic Marvel trailer.

More: Captain Marvel: Every Update You Need To Know

  • captain marvel Release Date: 2019-03-08 The Avengers 4 Release Date: 2019-04-26 spider-man homecoming 2 Release Date: 2019-07-02