Charles Boyle is probably the most eccentrically unique character on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. The series features a very charming cast of lovable detectives, but Charles definitely stands out as one of the most interesting and wonderfully odd.

Throughout the series, fans are given snippets of Charles’ life outside of being a detective. As the show goes on, quite a lot of information is revealed about the Boyle family, and just how strange they actually are.

As Brooklyn Nine-Nine does so well, the Boyle family has a charming kind of weirdness about them. They have unique traditions, are extremely tight-knit, and quite a few of them have some pretty… different names. Let’s take a closer look at the Boyle family and some of their funniest quirks.


One thing all Boyle family members are all famous for is the fact that they are so openly affectionate with each other. This is not, as one might suspect, limited to close family either. Charles has been shown, on multiple occasions, to be exchanging “I love yous” with his cousins.

To make this all the weirder and more hilarious, in an episode where Charles met a family member for the first time, they told each other “I love you”, in typical Boyle style.


In one episode, Charles reveals that he has scoliosis. Another significant trait in Boyles - mainly Charles - is that they overshare. Charles is a big source of comedy in the series because of the fact that he’ll talk about literally any ailment he has, no matter if people want to hear it or not.

What’s especially funny about this, is the fact that Charles not only tells everyone proudly that he has scoliosis, he also claims that all Boyles have scoliosis.


Adding Gina to the Boyle family was a favorable and ultimately hilarious decision of the writers’ part. When Gina’s mother marries Charles’ father, Gina becomes an honorary Boyle, and best of all, she and Charles become step-siblings.

But Gina was definitely the rebel Boyle - at least at first. She was often disgusted by the family’s weird traditions and eccentric way of life. In one episode, Gina is forced to go on an annual Boyle family vacation to Butt-Thumb, Iowa - the Boyle ancestral land.


In the same scene in which Charles and Gina discuss the annual Boyle family vacation, Gina tries to convince Charles to go to a resort. She insists that a trip to Aruba would be way nicer than a trip to Butt-Thumb.

Charles’ counter-argument is that Boyles aren’t swimmers, but rather, they’re burrowers. To this, Gina’s response is utterly unforgettable; “yes, I know, you’re all earthworms. But Charles, even nature’s most disgusting creatures deserve pleasure”.


According to Charles, Boyle Christmas charades can get pretty intense and crazy. The Boyles may be frequently portrayed as a quirky but very loving family. Apparently, though, they’ve got an extremely competitive trait.

Charles notes this fact when he brings up Boyle Christmas charades - which sounds like it’s something they do annually - and says that “it’s best not to have firearms around” during the games. That’s some pretty brutal competition.


One of the funniest, most memorable facts about the Boyle clan is that they are originally from Butt-Thumb, Iowa. According to Charles, it’s pronounced “Beaut-Hume”, but that doesn’t stop everyone from referring to it as Butt-Thumb, because of course.

Props to the Brooklyn Nine-Nine writers for coming up with this ridiculously hilarious location as the very fitting origin of the Boyle family.


In the second episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s first season, Darlene Kardon stars as Boyle’s grandmother. The character is affectionately (and strangely) referred to as “Grammy Nona Boyle”, and is a very memorable, highly revered member of the Boyle clan.

It’s believed that Grammy Nona Boyle had psychic abilities, which apparently is hereditary in Boyle women. The iconic grandma only makes one appearance in the series, but it’s unforgettable nonetheless.


When things get heated with Charles and Gina regarding the Boyle family vacation, Charles goes to drastic measures and calls a council of the cousins. When he threatens this to Gina, he makes it sound like something he does regularly, which is as weird as it is comical.

It’s in this scene that Charles also admits to Boyles being “extremely weak as individuals”. But he doesn’t neglect to remind Gina that together, Boyles are unbreakable.


Charles Boyle is a shameless suck-up. Apparently, this is also a common trait in Boyles, and something Charles is exceedingly proud of. This personality trait is usually something quite unattractive on most people, but Boyles - especially Charles - manage to make it charming.

Boyle sucks up to just about everyone - particularly Jake and Holt. But he means well, so it’s quite endearing. As Boyle proudly states, “nobody sucks up like a Boyle”.


This is an absolutely weird fact that Charles only briefly touched on once. He just made an offhand comment about the fact that there was a time when the state did not recognize Boyle wedding ceremonies as legal or legitimate.

There are so many ridiculously funny possibilities as to why this was, and since Charles only mentioned it the one time, the reason why the state used to refuse Boyle weddings is open for speculation.