Detective Rosa Diaz isn’t one for chit chat on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. That’s why when she does speak, they’re words of wisdom that many can relate to. Rosa is nothing but honest with her friends and family, and she’s not afraid to show it. But while she plays the tough cop well, she’s also got a softer side that sometimes comes through.

Detective Diaz is not one to mince words. She means what she says and says what she means. Her friends, and the show’s fans alike, appreciate that about her. It’s why she has such great relationships at the Nine-Nine.

“What kind of woman doesn’t have an ax?”

The fact that Rosa carries an ax on her regularly should surprise no one. But her surprise that not all women do that further solidifies her status as a tough as nails detective. More than that, Rosa creates an interesting aspect of her character with this statement.

She genuinely wonders why not all women carry some form of protection with them. At her core, Rosa is a feminist and wants women to be able to protect themselves. She’d probably gladly accept they carry any weapon on them at all times.

“You can hate people and still think they’re hot.”

This is one of Rosa’s finer examples of pure honesty. She recognizes that aesthetic appeal and emotional attachment are two totally different things. But in this case, the fans can’t help but wonder about Rosa’s taste in men.

She makes this statement about the Vulture, the Nine-Nine’s nemesis. Jake and everyone describes him as literally the worst. What could she possibly see in a man like that? Rosa’s mind is a mystery to all, even when she’s being honest.

“It’s a joke. I was insulting him. You know, flirting.”

Rosa’s sarcastic demeanor should make this form of flirting no surprise to her paramours. Anyone that truly knows Rosa Diaz understands that her way of showing love is to insult people. Granted, her way of showing hate is also to insult people, so it’s up to each individual to figure out which one she means at the moment.

But chances are if she’s dating that person, then her insults come from a place of love. It’s honestly not that hard to figure out. Marcus should have known better.

“I only said ‘I love you’ to three people…”

When Rosa opens up to Captain Holt about her relationship with his nephew Marcus, she reveals this: “I only said ‘I love you’ to three people: my mom, my dad, and my dying grandpa, and one of those I regret. My grandpa. He beat cancer so now I look like an idiot.”

The Diaz family clearly has some emotional suppression issues. Rosa shouldn’t feel stupid for telling her grandpa she loves him. This is a moment Rosa reveals her softer side, and the fans love it.

“Plans are plans. I’m a badass, not an anarchist.”

Rosa and Amy are competing for the day off, as they both requested but only one can take. Amy wants to go to a power pose seminar but Rosa already made plans for dinner with her family. Amy is confounded, asking why she can’t reschedule or flake out.

With a deadpan face, Rosa responds with this quote. Detective Diaz may think it’s cool to be mean or forget things that she doesn’t write down, but she will not break social etiquette when it comes to making plans.

“It’s either that or go caroling with my family…”

On Christmas Eve, Amy finds out Rosa and Captain Holt partake in the polar bear swim. She’s horrified and wonders why anyone would go swimming on the beach in New York in the middle of December.

Rosa responds with, “It’s either that or go caroling with my family, so yeah. I’d rather walk into the freezing ocean.” Her candid desire to do anything but spend time with family on the holidays is one many fans could identify with.

“I’ve only had Arlo for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself.”

Once more, Rosa proves that she’s a softie at heart. At first, she doesn’t understand Boyle’s grief over losing his beloved dog. She thinks it’s just an animal and that he needs to move on.

But when she gets a puppy herself, after only a day and a half, she finally understands the true bond between human and canine. She is thoroughly smitten with Arlo the pup and would die for him. Many fans can relate.

“NYPD! Get down on the comfortable matted floor. You’re under arrest for ruining something perfect.”

After rescuing Jake and Captain Holt in Florida, the Nine-Nine gets the shaft and changed to the night shift. To make it bearable, Boyle indulges in a pedicure at a Korean salon. He introduces Rosa to the delight, and she’s, of course, skeptical at first.

But after one pedicure she comes around. It’s all ruined when they find out it’s a front for money laundering. Rightfully upset, Rosa yells these words as she and Boyle make the arrest.

“A place where everybody knows your name is hell. You’re describing hell.”

Hanging out at Shaw’s bar is a Nine-Nine pastime. Amy likes the idea of coming to a place where everyone knows everyone. But for Rosa, that’s hell.

She’s always been an incredibly private person, so the thought of everyone knowing her name is unacceptable. Sometimes the fans can’t help but wonder if Rosa would be better off alone in the woods somewhere. In this case, Shaw’s is made worse when the fire department invades.

“Your sadness is noted.”

Rosa takes Captain Holt’s advice when breaking up with Marcus and acknowledges his feelings. He has so many of them, but at least she’s polite enough to make note of his sadness. When breaking up with someone, this is a best-case scenario. Especially if that someone is Rosa Diaz.

The fact that she’s willing to note his sadness is huge character growth for the detective who’s usually averse to the touchy-feely. Marcus could’ve gotten a much worse breakup if he’d known Rosa as she was a few months before.