In its five-season run that ended in 2013, Breaking Bad grew from obscure oddity to one of the most celebrated, acclaimed television series of the Peak TV era. The AMC series, created by Vince Gilligan, told the story of Walter White (Bryan Cranston), a sad-sack high school teacher who, after a cancer diagnosis, becomes an unlikely crystal meth kingpin.The series collected Emmy Awards, while also turning Cranston into a movie star for the first time in his 50s.

The series had a somewhat unlikely arc of popularity: It was generally low-rated in its early seasons, but became one of the first series to gain a huge following through Netflix streaming of the older episodes. Therefore, Breaking Bad didn’t actually become a huge hit until near the end of its run. And now, four years after the series went off the air, a lot of fans are still obsessed with Breaking Bad - perhaps too obsessed.

The Albuquerque house that was used as the exterior for Walter White’s home during the filming of Breaking Bad has been visited by fans so often that the owners of the house have installed a six-foot wrought iron fence, local TV station KOB reported. In fact, the TV news crew saw 10 tourists visit the home in their first 15 minutes on the scene.

Aside from fans milling about the property with not-bad intentions, the homeowners have dealt over the years with “vandalisms, trespassing, and general rudeness” from those eager to view a TV landmark that also happens to be somebody’s house. According to Joanne Quintana, whose family owns the house, Breaking Bad fans have also stolen rocks from the property - and yes, visitors to the home have even thrown pizzas on the roof, as Walter White once did.

It’s hard to disagree with the decision. The Quintanas, after all, have to live there, and while it may be neat to have your home be a part of TV history, not everyone always thinks of the day-to-day practicalities and hassles. Real life owners of TV homes often have better experiences - the woman who owns the Laura Palmer house from Twin Peaks even got to make a cameo in the final scene of Twin Peaks: The Return.

Next: Better Call Saul Has Become Breaking Bad (And That’s Okay)

Breaking Bad’s entire run remains available to stream on Netflix.

Source: KOB