The Naruto world expanded with the sequel series Boruto. Boruto follows a whole new generation of shinobi as they deal with new threats to their way of life. Wizards and schools for magic don’t exist in Boruto, despite their fighting styles being pretty magical themselves. If magic did exist, some of the characters might find themselves attending Harry Potter’s Hogwarts. To do that, the students would need to don the Sorting Hat and find out just which of the school’s four Houses they belonged to.

For those who need a refresher on which Hogwarts houses correspond to which personality traits, we’ve got you covered. Kids sorted into Gryffindor are those motivated by bravery and their own sense of morality. Those sorted into Ravenclaw are motivated by their own curiosity about the world around them, and love to learn new things. A Hufflepuff is loyal, hardworking, and all about fairness. Those who wind up in Slytherin prize ambition above all else and will do anything to achieve their goals. Boruto’s generation loves a good Slytherin.

Sarada: Slytherin

Though her ability to memorize curriculum and her love for large books make Sarada appear like a fit for Ravenclaw, she’s definitely more suited to Slytherin.

Sarada sets lofty goals for herself. She wanted to find out the truth about her father, so she intercepted the village leader to make it happen. When she wanted to prevent trouble amongst classmates, she stalked them to make sure they didn’t do anything stupid. Her biggest goal is to become the Kage of Konohagakure herself. She likely won’t let anything get in her way.

Shikadai: Ravenclaw

Like his father before him, Shikadai Nara is someone who loves the world to be neat and logical. Puzzles and games are where he excels. That quick mind certainly makes him a Ravenclaw.

To be fair, this stage of the Boruto series hasn’t placed quite as much of a focus on Shikadai as the Naruto series placed on his father. So far, we know they both have that same love of shogi and are quick to suss out the answers to logical problems that their peers can’t. That’s enough to sort Shikadai into Ravenclaw for the time being, but he could prove himself more of a Hermione with an intense bravery that makes him suited to Gryffindor by the time the series ends.

Inojin: Hufflepuff

The Boruto series hasn’t spent a lot of time with Inojin. His biggest storyline in the anime involved him having difficulty using his inherited abilities. That being said, what we do know is that he’s a fiercely loyal friend who doesn’t give up.

When faced with the possibility of not being good at bringing drawings to life, Inojin was frustrated. While he became jealous of others who tried to help him, he never completely gave up on working out the problem. He also didn’t shut out those who made him jealous. That commitment has us sorting him into Hufflepuff. 

Chocho: Slytherin

Like her best friend Sarada, Chocho sets a lot of goals for herself. Unlike Sarada, some of Chocho’s goals are a bit more superficial.

When Chocho saw an opportunity to ingratiate herself to an actor, she took it, even at the expense of her own power and health. Chocho didn’t care what she had to sacrifice to get the attention and time of someone she was interested in. While she eventually realized how shallow that was - especially weakening herself using her size-changing jutsu in normal life - that mindset remains for her. Chocho will set aside everything to get what she wants, just like a true Slytherin.

Mitsuki: Ravenclaw

Thanks to his penchant for snakes and secrets, just like his parent Orochimaru, plenty of fans are quick to believe Mitsuki belongs in Slytherin. Unlike Orochimaru hough, Mitsuki doesn’t quite have the cunning and ambition required. Instead, he’s much more in line with a Ravenclaw.

Due to having a sheltered childhood with Orochimaru, Mitsuki has an intense curiosity about the world around him, specifically human nature. Mitsuki loves learning about people and what makes them tick, showing a particular interest in Boruto and his friend group. He also absorbs knowledge like a sponge, easily picking up on new shinobi techniques.

Denki: Hufflepuff

Denki doesn’t get a lot of spotlight in the Boruto series. While he’s a friend of the title character, Denki doesn’t often end up on the main missions. That makes him a bit harder of a character to sort, but Hufflepuff seems like the best fit for him.

During his Academy days, Denki worked harder than the rest of his classmates to learn shinobi skills. They didn’t come quite as naturally to him as they did for a lot of his peers. He didn’t, after all, inherit any prestigious family jutsu. Denki also nearly gave up on being a shinobi because of his loyalty to his family. His parents thought he could do better work elsewhere. Luckily, talks with his friends changed Denki’s mind.

Iwabee: Gryffindor

When Boruto fans first met Iwabee, he was a bit hostile. In fact, he challenged the title character to a fight. Older than his peers, Iwabee continually failed his Academy graduation exams because he wasn’t book smart, though he excelled in shinobi skills.

As it turned out, Iwabee wasn’t intentionally hostile. He was just angry that he couldn’t put his skills to use right away making the village a safer place. All he wants is to be a great shinobi and do his duty. Brave and just, but also loving a little hero worshipping, Iwabee is a perfect fit for Gryffindor.

Sumire: Slytherin

A surprise antagonist early in the series, Sumire fits the Slytherin mold. She initially believed she needed to make Konohagakure pay for what they did to the people that raised her. Eventually, she learned that was misguided and that the stories she knew weren’t so black and white.

Following her graduation from the Academy, Sumire went into scientific research. Now, that might make her seem like a Ravenclaw. In truth, her keen mind is often used to manipulate events to her advantage. Like Sarada and Chocho, when Sumire sees what she wants, she makes a goal, and she goes after it. She’s more likely to use manipulation to do it though.

Konohamaru: Gryffindor

Like his idol Naruto, Konohamaru can’t let the opportunity to help someone pass him by. He’s never one to let a confrontation go, though he does have a bit more patience than Naruto ever did.

Konohamaru has a very strict idea of right and wrong. Loyal to his village, he grew up in the Naruto series as a bit of a troublemaker, but always ready to help. As an adult, he’s grown into a powerful shinobi training the next generation for Boruto. His Gryffindor traits means he sometimes butts heads with his Ravenclaw (Mitsuki) and Slytherin (Sarada and Boruto) students.

Boruto: Slytherin

A lot of the Slytherin’s in the Naruto and Boruto series are defined by their desires. They typically want power, or a position of power. The Slytherins of the franchise also usually have a very clearly defined set of goals. 

Boruto doesn’t want to be the most powerful shinobi in the world, and he certainly doesn’t want to run his home village of Konohagakure. He still sorts into Slytherin though because his goal is to be the man in the shadows keeping things running smoothly and protecting the people with the real power. His competitive nature means he’ll do anything to get there - and get approval from his peers. Cheating during competitions and exams proves that.

Did our sorting hat place these Boruto characters into their correct Hogwarts houses? If not, let us know.