Bob Weinstein faces sexual harassment claims similar to the ones faced by his brother, Harvey Weinstein, which started emerging just a couple of weeks ago. This may be another huge hurdle in The Weinstein Company’s road to redemption as the film studio is trying to move past the scandal that made public a number of allegations accusing Harvey of decades of sexual harassment, assault and rape of multiple women.

The Weinstein Company already fired Harvey, who was co-founder and co-chairman, amid the allegations from dozens of women who have come forward sharing their experiences with the film mogul’s improper advances. But the film studio finds itself in a similar position as his brother, the now-chairman of the company, Bob, is also accused of sexually propositioning a TV show producer.

Variety reports that The Mist executive producer Amanda Segel has accused Bob of sexual harassment as she shares her story. According to Segel, the younger Weinstein brother invited her to dinner, which she agreed to “in an effort to establish a professional relationship” with the person behind The Weinstein Company - the company that backed-up the Spike sci-fi/horror series (The Mist has since been canceled). Find some excerpts from the Variety report below:

Segel’s claims against Bob sounds very similar to how Harvey preyed on his victims, and just as his brother initially downplayed the claims against him, Bob is also vehemently denying the EP’s story. He is gearing up to make his next move, starting by tapping the services of Bert Fields, a prominent A-lister attorney. In a statement, the lawyer said that the report is “riddled with false and misleading assertions by Ms. Segel and we have the emails to prove it.”

“During the dinner, Weinstein asked Segel highly intimate questions and made romantic overtures to her, according to Segel. He wanted to know her age because he told her he didn’t want to date anyone younger than his daughter. He told Segel that he was staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel because his daughter was staying at his home in Los Angeles.

About halfway through the dinner, Weinstein asked Segel if she would drive him back to the hotel so that he could let his driver go for the night. Segel agreed. When she took him to the Sunset Boulevard hotel, he asked her to come up to his room. She declined.”

Since Bob’s alleged improper behavior to Segel is fairly recent, as it only took place last year, it remains to be seen if her coming forward will inspires others to as well, just as what happened with Harvey, who apparently has been trying to keep lawsuits against him quiet for decades now. Should more women come forward with their own claims against Bob, chances are that he may suffer the same fate as his former business partner and brother.

This new development has come to light shortly after The Weinstein Company released a statement detailing their plans moving forward with regard to the business. Ultimately, it does not look like that they will be able to get past this huge scandal now that both Bob and Harvey Weinstein have been accused of sexual harassment.

Next: Harvey Weinstein’s Name Should Stay on All His Movies

Source: Variety