The new animated musical comedy series Central Park from Bob’s Burgers creator Loren Bouchard has just landed at Apple with a two-season order. Based on a family of caretakers in New York City’s Central Park, the original series will be released alongside other shows exclusive to Apple’s new streaming service, including Carpool Karaoke: The Series with James Corden, Kevin Durant’s Swagger, and an untitled M. Night Shyamalan thriller series.

Marking Apple’s first official animated comedy series, Central Park will be co-written by Bouchard, Emmy-winning Bob’s Burgers writer Norah Smith, and Josh Gad, who, aside from starring in films like Beauty and the Beast and Murder on the Orient Express, is co-writing the upcoming Twins sequel, Triplets, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danny DeVito, and Eddie Murphy. Similar to Bob’s Burgers, Central Park will revolve around a family working together in order to save their business (only instead of a burger dive, it’ll be a park). Bouchard and Gad will also serve as executive producers, while Smith will serve as a consulting producer.

According to THR, Central Park will include the vocal talents of Leslie Odom Jr., Titus Burgess, Kristen Bell, Stanley Tucci, Daveed Diggs, Kathryn Hahn, and Gad himself. At this time, however, there are no specifics regarding character details. The show’s two seasons will run at 13 episodes each, with 26 episodes total. Twentieth Century Fox Television will produce.

Bouchard is currently riding on the success of Bob’s Burgers winning an Emmy in 2017 for Best Animated Series, and in 2020 he’ll be releasing a feature-length version of the show in theaters (which, incidentally, The Simpsons already did back in 2007).

More: Bob’s Burgers Movie Announced for 2020 Release

Source: THR