Blizzard is working busily away behind the scenes on Diablo, confirming that there are multiple projects in the series currently under development. This will come as good news for fans of the franchise, as it’s now been six years since the last entry in the series, Diablo 3, saw release.

Some players had been expecting Blizzard to make some kind of announcement about the future of Diablo some time soon. The franchise’s status as one of the most popular action-based RPGs with some of the best boss battles around always meant that it was unlikely that Diablo was going to be retired, while a job listing for a dungeon artist to work on an “unannounced Diablo project” earlier this year confirmed that the developer was creating something for the series.

However, it turns out that it’s not just one project, but several. The bombshell was dropped by Community Manager Brandy Camel over on Twitter in a video giving a brief update on Diablo 3. Although the video started by discussing the game’s Season 14, that’s not what has caught the attention of players. Instead, it was the reveal that Blizzard has “multiple Diablo projects in the works.” The brief video can be seen below.

Unfortunately, that’s where the details about the games in question ended. Instead, Camel explained that “some of them are going to take longer than others,” so it may be a while before all of Blizzard’s plans come to light. However, the Community Manager did state that the developer “may have some things to show you later this year.” With Blizzcon set for the start of November, perhaps gamers will have more of an idea about Blizzard’s Diablo plans then.

Exactly what these games could be will no doubt become a subject of much discussion among fans. The top of most players lists will be Diablo 4, although equally a remaster of Diablo 1 or 2 would also go down well - particularly after Blizzard tested the waters with that Diablo 1-esque mode for Diablo 3. Who knows: maybe that cryptic hint at Diablo on Nintendo Switch may turn out to be true as well.

Although some may want more details, Blizzard is perhaps playing it right by keeping things quiet for now. The company is well-known for the high standards it holds games to during the development process, and high-profile cancelled games like Overwatch predecessor Project Titan and the great-looking StarCraft: Ghost still leave some players feeling pangs of regret. Nonetheless, it will be interesting to see if Blizzard has anything to reveal in November.

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Source: Blizzard