I Have Never Seen Anything Like This'

When Martin Freeman was cast in Captain America: Civil War, Sherlock, The Hobbit, and The Office fans everywhere were ecstatic. And while the actor certainly made his presence felt as Everett K. Ross in the film, it was a small role. Luckily, Marvel decided to reconnect the character with his roots for Black Panther.

In the comics, Ross generally factors into Black Panther stories as point man for the U.S. in Wakanda. Though his title and purpose will be a bit different in the movie, he’ll essentially be serving the same function: to serve as the audience surrogate. As Ross states in the opening narration for the trailer, he’s seen Thor, Iron Man, and the Chitauri, but they’re practical mundane compared to Wakanda. And while we’ve had a taste of the high-tech nation so far, it will be nothing like what we’ll see in the film.

The Hidden Nation

As the trailer unfolds, we see just why Wakanda is such a mysterious in the world. Not only are they an isolationist nation, staying out of world affairs, but they literally live in a protective bubble. And it doesn’t just shield them from harm, as the force field around the nation renders it invisible to the outside world. While there have always been some logistical issue with this concept in the comics, it’s still a fascinating conceit.

As the nations of the world vie for technological and military supremacy, the cradle of humanity has been harboring a people more advanced than anything we’ve ever seen before. Even Tony Stark’s genius and inventions pale in comparison to what Wakanda has achieved. With T’Chaka reaching out to the world in Captain America: Civil War, however, that period of isolation has ended and Wakanda is now on the global radar.

We also get a tease of the more ground-level world of Wakanda. Thor: The Dark World showed a bit of the non-royal side of Asgardia, but most of the focus has been on the golden halls of the city. In Black Panther, it looks as if we’ll see more of how the average person lives in Wakanda, at least for those who dwell in the city. Given that T’Challa’s enemies often come from his own disaffected people, this tease could hint at the troubles the new king will confront when he attempts to rule his people. Rather than alien threats, Black Panther will see the hero working to quell civil unrest.

M’Baku and the Mountain Clan

T’Challa will be facing a number of antagonists upon his return to Wakanda. Some will seek his crown, others his life, but they’ll all represent a threat to him and his ability to both rule and protect Wakanda. The first teaser gave us a glimpse of one of these claimants, M’Baku, as he held someone up to the cheers of his followers. Here, we get a more ominous tease of the ruler of Wakanda’s Mountain Clan.

Though an advanced nation, Wakanda still has divisions like any other country. It’s also a fascinating blend between the old and the new. Even the Black Panther straddles the line between the nation’s high-tech future and its mystical and tribal past. M’Baku, known as Man-Ape in the comics (but thankfully not in the film), believes he can better rule Wakanda and will be butting heads with T’Challa in the movie. In an early shot in the trailer, we see his rather impressive throne room high up in the mountains. There’s no telling how much he’ll factor into the story, but it’s clear he won’t be an easy foe to vanquish.

The Spirit World

There’s a number of elements from the comics that fans are hoping will appear in Black Panther, and one scene from the new trailer proves that Wakandan spirituality will factor into the film. In a scene reminiscent of American Gods, we see T’Challa in a dream-like world where a number of panthers watch him from the trees. While we don’t know the specifics of the MCU’s take on the Spirit World, T’Challa provided a hint in Captain America: Civil War.

Given the multitude of panthers in the scene, it’s not clear if they’re all deities or merely servants of Bast and Sekhmet. Generally, it’s the all-white Bast that T’Challa (and other Black Panthers) communicate with in the comics. Likely, some version of this will feature in the film. We might also glimpse the Necropolis, the sacred city of the dead that T’Challa also oversees and becomes increasingly involved with in the comics once Shuri becomes the new Black Panther. Whatever the case, the film looks to explore a fascinating new side of the MCU.

œIn my culture, death is not the end. It’s more of a stepping-off point. You reach out with both hands, and Bast and Sekhmet, they lead you into the green veld where you can run forever.

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Was He Wearing A Parachute?

While it may seem like the trailer gives a lot of way, many of the scenes are simply expansions on moments from the first trailer. And following Iron Man and Captain America before him, Black Panther gets his own dropping out of a plane’ moment. Here, it comes before the scene from the first trailer”which is also touched on in this one”where T’Challa drops in on an enemy convoy. While the previous teaser showed him up in a tree, it looks as if he landed there after jumping out his ship.

This moment is likely also an homage to Steve jumping out of the plane in Captain America: The Winter Soldier without a parachute. And that itself was a callback to Tony’s similar scene with Pepper Potts in Iron Man 2. Each time the filmmakers have added something different, and here we can see T’Challa deploying some impressive tech as he descends. These blue orbs are seem to be some sort of mines, and there’s only one person who creates tech that inventive in Wakanda.

Shuri is the New Stark

In the comics, Wakanda isn’t just a nation filled with advanced tech. It’s also a nation filled with geniuses capable of creating all that tech. Typically, T’Challa is presented as one of the smartest people in the Marvel Universe, with a special focus on biology. We haven’t had any word yet whether this will carry over to the MCU, but we do know that Shuri’s mind will rival Tony Stark’s.

The first teaser showed off some of Shuri’s inventions, specifically her panther-themed blaster gauntlets. But the minds behind the film have made it clear that most of the weaponry in Wakanda is of her design. In the new trailer, we see that even applies to Black Panther’s suit.

In the comics, the Panther generally wears a suit made of a Vibranium weave with retractable claws, but much of the warrior’s power comes from the Heart-Shaped Herb he ingests. This sacred plant connects the Panther to Bast and grants them superhuman strength, agility, and stamina. We don’t yet know if that will play a part in the movie, but T’Challa will have plenty of powers thanks to his suit. We got a taste of what it could do in Captain America: Civil War, but T’Challa’s about to get an upgrade.

The Nanosuit

Thanks to the description of the footage shown at Comic-Con this summer, we’ve known about the new Black Panther suit for some time. Now, we finally get to see it in action. We first see Shuri show off the upgrade to T’Challa beside his previous costume, but it weaves in and out of the trailer as it moves along. Along with the silver accents, the new suit has a purple glow the runs through it like viens. It also seems to share some connection to the car Shuri is driving, which appears to be made from the same purple nano-tech. We even see the suit form around T’Challa during the street battle.

Not only will this be useful in a fight, but it’s streets ahead of anything Stark has comes up with for his suits. Rapidly deployable and relatively form-fitting, it proves once again how advanced Wakanda is. It also ups the ante for the MCU, and this design will likely inspire Tony to create his infamous Bleeding Edge suit from the comics when Avengers: Infinity War rolls around.

Killmonger’s Suit

Marvel movies have often been criticized for providing the heroes with a clone of them as a villain. With that in mind, many may be worried when they see that Erik Killmonger has his own Black Panther suit. In all likelihood, the villain will steal this from Shuri and use it to confront T’Challa. And while the similarities may be both disappointing and confusing, they’ll likely carry story significance.

The most interesting aspect of Killmonger’s suit is the gold accents. While this of course helps differentiate the two fighters, it also more closely resembles Black Panther’s costume from the comics. Gold is often an element of T’Challa’s suit on the page, whereas purple isn’t. Could the gold suit be a more advanced version that Killmonger steals, thus forcing T’Challa to rise above the technology to win? If so, it wouldn’t be surprising to see the king don this version of the costume once he defeats Killmonger and prepares for his next adventure.

Killmonger’s usage of the suit also provides us with the true scope of what the tech can do. While T’Challa drops from the plane in his classic suit, we see him in various other battles with the purple nanosuit. But we only get a small taste of him activating the uniform. With Killmonger shirtless before battle, we get a good idea of how the suit encompasses the body. The only question is whether the suit begins as a small device on the wearer of if it’s housed inside the body like Stark’s more advanced suits.

Battle in the Skies of Wakanda

Throughout the first teaser and the new trailer we see some of Wakanda’s advanced tech through their aircraft. But while we’ve previously only seen them used as transport, the new trailer makes it clear that pack quite a punch. During a few different scenes, we see the ships engage enemy helicopters, deploying some nasty looking missiles to dispatch their enemies. Of course, the ships themselves take some damage.

One crashes into the water in what looks to be the main city. We also get more context for the scene from the first trailer where T’Challa confidently struts towards a challenge. Here, we see a downed ship that T’Challa is walking away from. Likely, Killmonger’s forces have attacked the king in Wakanda. This then leads to the day fight between the two warriors, where Killmonger first suits up. The bigger question here is why is Killmonger surrounded by T’Challa’s family and allies?

There’s a good chance this scene comes after Killmonger has been apprehended and presented to the throne (shown in the first teaser) and is on his way to some sort of trial by combat (also seen previously). Perhaps from their his allies try and attack T’Challa and free Killmonger, only for the plan to fail. Still, Killmonger gaining control of one of Black Panther’s suits looks to be the ace up his sleeve.

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Burn it All'

We don’t yet know Killmonger’s motivations in the film, but there are plenty of clues from the comics. As a child, Killmonger’s parents were cast out of Wakanda after Erik’s father was forced to work for Klaw (the villainous alter-ego of Ulysses Klaue). Raised in NYC and a proving to be a veritable genius himself, Killmonger eventually returns to his homeland seeking vengeance against the royal family. From what we’ve seen so far, it looks as if shades of the same story will apply. Killmonger clearly has ties to his home, which is most obvious in the ritual scarification he has all over his torso. His speech about burning the world and starting anew also rings of someone fed up with the old order and seeking change.

T’Chaka broke the isolationist history of Wakanda when he went to the United Nations, and he died as a result. For many, T’Challa will be blamed for his father’s mistakes. Killmonger and M’Baku”who may end up working together”will be just some of them many Wakandans who will want a new ruler. Whether that means returning to the old ways or building something new, it’s not yet clear.

Along with the various scenes of Killmonger in Wakanda so far, the shot of him in the stone room flanked by panther statues is a powerful one. Whether the fire around him is ceremonial and part of the decor or is the beginning of the villain destroying the world, it’s unclear. But the place clearly has a sacred and ancient feel to it, so either origin for the fire likely points towards this being an important character moment for Killmonger.

Killmonger and Klaue

Teased in the first look at the film earlier this year, it’s clear now that Killmonger and Klaue will be working together. Given their history in the comics, it will be interesting to see what carries over from the page. Have the two long been allies, or is Killmonger using Klaue for his resources only to turn on him for what he did to his parents?

Regardless, we can see more shots of Killmonger working to free Klaue from his interrogation by Ross. We also get a shot of them in a museum together. This is the first time we see Killmonger in civilian clothes, suggesting an initial meeting between the two before Erik’s epic beings. We even see Klaue in the safety jacket he wears during an attack shown in the first trailer. It seems that this could occur before Klaue is imprisoned, and he and Killmonger might be casing the job they’re about to pull.

Much of Killmonger’s story will revolve around him reclaiming his past and roots, and these Wakandan artifacts are clearly part of that. For Klaue, he’s likely just in it for the money, but he’ll also get some of Wakanda’s infamous tech out of the deal.

Klaue’s Sonic Cannon

When Black Panther was first announced, many assumed Klaue would factor into the film given his long history with the hero in the comics. Sure enough, we’ve heard he’s actually the main antagonist of the film, not Killmonger. And Marvel, true to their shared universe model, made sure to seed his arrival.

Back in Avengers: Age of Ultron, we first met Klaue and heard about Wakanda in the MCU. While the nation was meant to appear, it was left out so that it could debut in Black Panther. The move was a smart one, giving Marvel time to properly craft the impressive civilization. What we did get, however, is a connection between Klaue and Vibranium smuggling, something he’s often tied with in the comics. Even more exciting, but Marvel’s trend of chopping off hands led to the origin of Klaw.

In the comics, Klaue replaces his missing limb with a sonic cannon, continuing the theme of Vibranium and its connection to absorbing sound. He eventually becomes a being composed of sound, but that’s likely not in the cards. The car chase after Klaue robs the casino/art exhibit, however, finally gives the villain his weapon of choice.

Rather than the goofy satellite dish that Klaw still wields in the comics, the MCU take on the device appears to be more of a sonic rifle that is housed within Klaue’s new hand. We see him without it in the interrogation scene, meaning the whole thing can be removed. Regardless, it will be a powerful weapon and will help elevate Klaue into a legitimate threat in the MCU.

Panther vs Klaw

Mirroring Black Panther’s powerful introduction in Captain America: Civil War, the first teaser ended with a glimpse of yet another car chase involving the hero. Here, it’s in South Korea, where T’Challa and Nakia’s mission takes them. After the initial confrontation between the Dora Milaje and Klaue’s forces, the fight heads to the streets where T’Challa is in his new suit. Likely, this will be the first time he field tests the outfit, and it’s fairly impressive. Despite Klaue’s new sonic cannon, the Black Panther looks to easily stop his car and apprehend the villain.

Journey into Mystery

In what looks to be the final battle between T’Challa and Killmonger, we see both men in their respective suits. The purple and gold help separate them, but it’s clear this battle will be difficult to follow if it’s not handled correctly. What’s even more of note, however, is the location.

Given the symbols around and the train that interrupts the two during one fight, this looks to be a transportation line in Wakanda. Why the train can’t be suspended is unknown, but it looks to be the least of the two fighter’s worries. Later in the fight, we can see both T’Challa and Killmonger as they appear to plummet into some sort of abyss. It’s not clear what’s happening here, as the train set still appears to be their starting location. Assuming the Wakandans don’t have some sort of wormhole-jumping public transit, we could be seeing the Spirit World engulf the regular.

At this point, it’s hard to tell exactly what’s happening, but perhaps something greater is at play in the film. Killmonger looks to be attacking the physical nature of Wakanda, but could he have found a way to strike at its spiritual heart as well? With the idea of other realms and dimensions factoring into more and more of Marvel’s films, we could be seeing a glimpse of a variety of different worlds. Either way, it looks as if the cosmic aspect of the MCU will continue to play a big role as things move forward.

With only 4 months to go before the film drops, we’ll certainly be seeing a lot more from the film soon. Photos and TV spots will follow, and there will almost certainly be one final trailer that further illuminates the plot of the film. Though Marvel starts out cryptic with their marketing, the lead-up to their releases always features tons of reveals. Given that, we’ll likely learn more about the abyss, Killmonger’s motives, and all the other questions that still remain after the latest Black Panther trailer.

  • Thor: Ragnarok Release Date: 2017-11-03 Black Panther Release Date: 2018-02-16 Avengers: Infinity War Release Date: 2018-04-27 Ant-Man 2 Release Date: 2018-07-06 captain marvel Release Date: 2019-03-08 The Avengers 4 Release Date: 2019-04-26 spider-man homecoming 2 Release Date: 2019-07-02