Marvel Comics teased this summer that they’d be bringing another major shift to its universe, with the focus being on mashing up iconic superheroes. This event would stem out of Infinity Wars and got the apt title Infinity Warps.

This initiative began with the announcements of Iron Hammer (Thor and Iron Man) and Soldier Supreme (Captain America and Doctor Strange), later to be followed up with Weapon Hex (Scarlet Witch and X-23), Arachknight (Moon Knight and Spider-Man), and last but not least, Ghost Panther (Ghost Rider and Black Panther). Screen Rant has an exclusive preview of Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther #1.

Infinity Warps began thanks to Gamora who in Infinity Wars #3, decided that instead of killing Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, she’d use the Infinity Stones to rewrite the already messy reality (we’re only a few years out from Secret Wars and its Battleworld). This new Marvel universe is called Warpworld and the souls of every character have been warped into another. This week, Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps #1 debuted, and next week begins the two-part miniseries that merges the histories of Black Panther and Ghost Rider together.

See how the weirdly familiar story begins…

Stripped of his kingdom, Prince T’Challa of Wakanda becomes a stunt performer under an assumed name… until a tragic accident and a sinister deal give him the power he needs to free his people!

To anyone familiar with the most well-known stories and depictions of Johnny Blaze, there’s not much to these first pages. Swap in the fearless T’Challa who seems desperate for his father’s approval, and the character’s normal association with Wakanda’s Necropolis, and this mash-up blends together surprisingly well. The theme of the hunter and protector, taking out evil, and being intimately in tune with tradition and spirituality is a natural fit.

This is one of those times an unexpected hybrid of characters may become popular, or at least, work so well, that we could totally see Ghost Panther become a regular in the “main” Marvel universe - whatever that means these days, similar to host Frank Castle’s crazy Ghost Rider from the future got a lot of love and more stories after his interesting debut.

Imagine Black Panther, more powerful than ever, with the spirit of vengeance on his side? That’s happening.

More: Here’s How Frank Castle Became the Cosmic Ghost Rider

Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther #1 (of 2) releases November 21 2018 from Marvel Comics.