Better Call Saul’s Erin Brill was never Jimmy McGill’s biggest fan, but one incident in particular put her off the conman-turned-lawyer for life. Played by Jessie Ennis (Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet), Erin Brill made her Better Call Saul debut during the show’s second season when Jimmy started working at Davis & Main to assist the law firm with the Sandpiper Crossing retirement home lawsuit.

A Type A attorney and stickler for doing things by the book, Erin was basically the polar opposite of Jimmy on Better Call Saul. Nowhere was that more evident than when Erin was tasked with babysitting Jimmy by Davis & Main partner Clifford Main (Ed Begley Jr) after he pushed ahead with a commercial to drum up claimants for the Sandpiper Crossing lawsuit without running it by him. Erin’s job was to keep Jimmy reined in and prevent him from compromising the case any further, which basically turned into her monitoring his every move at work – much to Jimmy’s annoyance.

Although Jimmy getting himself purposely fired from Davis & Main meant Erin Brill no longer had to babysit him, the Sandpiper Crossing case was ongoing and Erin was about to find herself drawn into the shyster’s schemes. In the penultimate episode of Better Call Saul season 3, Jimmy learned he stood to make over $1 million dollars if lead plaintiff Irene Landry (Jean Effron) agreed to Sandpiper Crossing’s settlement – something which Erin and the other lawyers at Davis & Main had advised against, believing the company could be persuaded to offer more.

In a move that suggested he was inching ever closer to his Saul Goodman persona, Jimmy tried to pressure Irene into settling by turning her retirement home buddies against her. In a last-minute attack of conscience, however, Jimmy showed there was still some good in him. In the season 3 finale of Better Call Saul, Jimmy recruited Erin Brill to confront him about his meddling in the Sandpiper case and orchestrated a scene in which Irene and her co-plaintiffs accidentally-on-purpose overheard him confessing he was only it for the money.

The set-up convinced Irene to reject Sandpiper Crossing’s settlement offer but while Jimmy may have come good in the end, Erin was clearly disgusted by his interfering and immorality. The Better Call Saul season 3 finale was the last interaction between the former Davis & Main colleagues but if their paths cross again in the future, it’s safe to say their reunion won’t be a happy one.

Next: Better Call Saul Proves Jimmy (Accidentally) Turns Walter White Into Heisenberg