Once again, Bethesda is drawing the ire of its fans, this time for getting Fallout 76’s Nuka Cola Rum bottles wrong. Bethesda’s latest in the Fallout franchise has been struggling right out of the gate. Fans were concerned when it was revealed that Fallout 76 would be strictly online, a series first. Sadly for fans, their fears were met, then surpassed as Fallout 76 proved to be buggy and for some, unplayable. But a glitchy game turned out to simply be the tip of the iceberg when it came to problems.

Bethesda has made a number of promises to players, ones it has failed to keep. Players disappointed with the game were upset further upon learning of Bethesda’s strict no return policy. Fans who chose to pre-order the pricy $200 Power Armor Edition were angry to learn that the canvas bag they were promised had been replaced with cheap nylon. It was later revealed that online influencers received canvas bags, despite Bethesda’s claims that they didn’t have enough materials. While the developer has since promised to make amends, it may prove too late. One law firm is looking into the company’s tactics and pondering whether or not to proceed with a lawsuit. Just when it looks like Bethesda will finish the year quietly, they slip up once again.

According to Comic Book, the latest complaint revolves around the company’s Fallout Rum bottles. Back in September, gamers could preorder a bottle of Nuka Dark Rum, a drink and bottle inspired by the game. Fans patiently waited for their bottles to arrive following a month-long delay. Once again, they were met with disappointment as the bottles are made of a cheap-looking plastic shell over a glass bottle, rather than being made of glass itself.

Gamers’ issue with the bottle is similar to that of the nylon bags, they expected something of higher quality for the premium price they paid. After all, one bottle of Nuka Dark Rum costs $80. Players turned to social media to voice their frustrations about feeling deceived yet again. Silver Screen Bottling Co., the company Bethesda teamed up with to make Nuka Dark Rum, has released a statement and a submission form for those who feel cheated by Bethesda’s latest merchandise snafu.

But it’s not enough for players already upset with Bethesda’s tactics. Earlier this year, Bethesda issued an apology for the rough state their game was in, promising changes in-game as well as more transparency from the company. Any alterations made so far appear not to be enough. Player frustration continues to grow and mistakes continue to be made by the developer. Bethesda will have its work cut out for it if they hope to rebrand themselves and Fallout, following this latest bit of bad news.

More: Fallout 76 Guide: Where To Find The BEST Weapons

Source: Comic Book